The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


past and beyond the recollection of our memory?


Nothing in this world happens by chance. Everything seems to be controlled by natural principles although it may seem to be random acts of nature. A hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado or a tsunami at a particular place and a particular time affecting specic people must be part of a cosmic plan unknown to man. It may seem like serendipity or fate where things are happening in a natural ow. But there is denitely a reason as to why it is happening. Unfortunately, these reasons are unknown and thus these phenomena cannot be dened. We infer such a phenomenon exists as we see the effects of this law unfolding.


The rst step to discover the power of the 4th Factor is to tame the mind. The mind is like a monkey jumping from thought to thought. With this constant jumping, we cannot contemplate the 4th Factor and discover it. We need to still the mind and transform it from a monkey to a monk. Only then we can contemplate.


We know that there is a 4th Factor and it is very powerful. It has a command on the results of man’s efforts. What is this 4th Factor? It is a Power, a Cosmic and Universal Power that is beyond man’s comprehension. Denitely, such a Power exists. This Power can make the possible, possible and if it