The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the Power of the 4th Factor


so desires, it can make the possible, impossible. There are times when it makes the impossible, possible. This needs further contemplation and if our mind starts jumping like a monkey, we can’t go further. We need to overcome and transcend the mind.


Is the 4th Factor a Power that acts by its random wish? The working of the universe shows that it is an intelligent systematic power that works on certain cosmic principles. What is the cosmic principle on which the 4th Factor is powered? Surely, my actions cannot inuence your results just as your actions cannot inuence mine. Therefore, whatever happens in our lives, seems to be based on our own actions.


If one deeply contemplates, one will realize that the power of the 4th Factor is a deep truth unknown to man. Little by little, man must progress in discovering the power of the 4th Factor to reach the ultimate goal of self-realization. The 4th Factor is just a kindergarten to the overall curriculum. But to discover this Power is a great gift to oneself. Its presence can be globally seen and felt.


The whole of Florida was on its toes as a hurricane was going to devastate life in the entire state. All precautions were taken and the preparations made. As the hurricane had already devastated the islands in the Caribbean en route to Florida, the weathermen