The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Power beyond


the 4th Factor



What happens when you go to a theatre? A plot unfolds on the stage. Actors come on the stage, sing, dance and perform as per the directions of the director who has created the drama before they depart from the stage. Our job is to enjoy the show, not to be worried about why the story is unfolding the way it is. That is the job of the director. There will be a tragedy, just as there will be comedy on the stage. Both are needed to make the drama interesting. It all ts into the storyboard which is not known to the audience. The Creator of the play is in command.


Life on earth is exactly like a theatre, except that the stage is humungous in size. It is called, the Earth. We are all actors. We come and we go. Our job is to perform as per the script given to us. We have the freedom of acting the way we like, but we must go as per the script because otherwise, the show will be a op. Scene by scene, the cosmic drama