The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Power beyond the 4th Factor


but has a macro plan. It seems like the 4th Factor is completely automated and our actions create corresponding reactions as the show unfolds. It is beyond our capacity to imagine how the 4th Factor manages every act of each of the eight billion actors and issues verdicts as to what result should happen for each action. Could this be possible? Some actions are public and some are hidden. But the Power seems to have a 360 degree coverage with 100% control on each and every action of each actor on the stage. Therefore, it is very simple how the 4th Factor is in control of all our actions.


It is just like a computer that is controlling thousands of machines. There is no human intervention. Man may be in awe of how a computer efciently manages huge production sets, but it is happening, uninterrupted. Similarly, the 4t h Factor seems to be a far more sophisticated and efcient intelligence. It is a Power that controls everything in the cosmos, not just the actions of the 8 billion actors, but everything else that happens on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way and beyond everywhere else in the cosmos. It is more powerful than the most advanced computer we can imagine. And it is not articial intelligence. It is real intelligence.


Think about it. You are just an individual, an insignicant part of your city. Your city is just a small part of your