The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Power beyond the 4th Factor


country and your country, a dot on the globe. The Earth is just a little ball in the Milky Way and the Milky Way, one of the innumerable galaxies in the cosmos. All this is controlled by the Power of the 4th Factor.


In the beginning, we thought that the 4th Factor was just a little element that controls the result of our action. We thought that the 4th Factor was watching the farmer plant his seeds and gives a verdict on his crop. We thought that the 4th Factor controls the results of an examination, just as it controls the romantic tales of a teenager. Yes, the 4th Factor is in command of all the results based on certain cosmic laws and our own actions, but it does not restrict its powers to these tiny acts. The 4th Factor is a Power beyond man’s imagination. It is a Cosmic Energy that is omnipresent - present everywhere, omnipotent - all powerful, and omniscient - knowing everything. It is beyond man’s denition, but is very much there. It not only controls the fruit of each and every action, but also controls life and death. It controls the world and the universe as well as the entire cosmos. It is the 4th Factor that controls the entire cosmic drama that unfolds every day on the planet Earth.


As long as we don’t realize the existence of the 4th Factor and how powerful this Cosmic Power is, we will continue to play our part and whine as we cry through every misery