The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Power beyond the 4th Factor


and disappointment we face. We will continue to live with our ego and in ignorance, with desires and expectations and we will continue to be disappointed and defeated. We shall live in pain and sorrow because of our own ignorance and lack of probing the truth. When something happens, we will question, ‘why?’ We further cry because we refuse to accept what happens. We live in yesterday and tomorrow and we forget to enjoy today. We are so enamoured by ourselves, our instruments and equipment, and the efciency of our own actions that we don’t even have the time or inclination to look out for ourselves and discover the 4th Factor.


But we have a choice. We can open our eyes and see the prevalent 4th Factor actively present in the world. Some of us call it luck, some fate and some serendipity. Others call it Karma or the Law of Action. But we see a 4th Factor that sometimes adds up two plus two and makes it ve. It’s our choice to accept the existence of the 4th Factor, to submit to it in surrender and accept its Divine Will. We have a choice to be happy or unhappy. We can choose to live in the now, realizing that yesterday was just one scene in the cosmic drama that is gone, never to return. We can refuse to accept the existence of tomorrow, knowing that tomorrow doesn’t exist. It will come when it becomes today and it will unfold as per the Will of the Cosmic Creator, giving us an opportunity to act, observe and enjoy the show. Of