The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Power beyond the 4th Factor




The Power beyond the 4th Factor


Life on earth is exactly like a theatre, except that the stage is humungous in size. It is called Earth.


We are all actors. We come and we go. Our job is to perform as per the script given to us.


Scene by scene, the cosmic drama unfolds on earth and we continue acting as per our script.


However, we have another role to play. We are also the audience who is watching the drama as it unfolds on earth.


We cannot question what is happening. We have to accept and surrender as observers and actors to the Cosmic Power that is directing the show, called Life.


The 4th Factor is part of the Cosmic Power that directs the earth show.


As long as we don’t realize the existence of the 4th Factor and how powerful this Cosmic Power is, we will continue to play our part and whine as we cry through every misery and disappointment we face.


But if we do our part as actors and observe the show, why would we be miserable? We would enjoy the show.


It’s time to choose a new way to live by letting the 4th Factor unfold as per the Cosmic Will, accepting the 4th Factor and surrendering to it.