The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor



Suppose you are told that your life can be transformed and that you can live without fear, worry, anxiety, doubt, hate, jealousy and anger. Suppose you could ll your life with joy, peace, hope, faith and bliss, would you not be excited to transform your life? Well, here is an opportunity – you can choose a new way to live.


Why do we live with fear? What is fear? Fear is FEAR – False Expectations Appearing Real. Our life is lled with fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure and fear of every possible danger. There is no real danger, but we cook up expected dangers and we live with fear. This is because we do not have faith in the 4th Factor. Had we believed that there was an intelligent 4th Factor that was controlling results and had complete command of the future, we would live without fear. If we trusted the Cosmic Power and realized that it was just a cosmic drama, there would be no reason to fear. However, instead of trusting the 4th Factor, we let our mind enslave us with negative thoughts that create fear. If we ip over and let the 4th Factor take