The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


that Simon stayed awake all night, anxiously looking at the laptop wondering if he got a reply. But now, things are different and his father is pleasantly surprised. Simon slept soundly at night and it is his father who woke him up in the morning to ask him what happened to the customer’s order. Simon smiled, he said, “The 4th Factor is in charge.”


So often we are up in anger. Have you analyzed the cause of anger? Most often when an expectation is not met, we react with anger. But why should we? If we know that things are happening as per the will of the 4th Factor, then how does getting angry help? It is a foolish way to react, because it creates a re not only outside us, but also inside us. If we believe in the Cosmic Power and the 4th Factor, we would not get angry. We would rather live peacefully, surrendering to the 4th Factor.


Radhika used to fume at everything. She would lose her temper at the drop of a hat. One day, at a pizza joint, she ordered a pizza and specically requested that she wanted it with onions. She repeated it twice. Unfortunately, the shift changed and though her server passed on the message that her cheese pizza must have onions, it was overlooked. Normally, Radhika would fume, lose her temper, her appetite and her mood. But somehow, she had learned that she could not control the results, so she calmly told the waiter that she would not eat this pizza as she had ordered it with onions. In a few minutes, the pizza was replaced. She enjoyed the meal and left. Normally, Radhika would scream at