The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


the waiter, call for the manager and go home without eating. But now she lives with the 4th Factor.


We are so used to living with doubt. We hesitate and thus we are not even able to put our best foot forward. Doubt arises because we do not believe in the 4thFactor. If we trust Divine Providence and know that if we put in our best efforts, nothing can stop the best results from happening, we would not act with doubt. Therefore doubt itself is born from a lack of belief in the 4th Factor.


Monica was always full of doubts. So eventually, she stopped trying to do anything new – no new ventures, businesses, creative endeavours. Whenever she would do anything, she would doubt if it would work out. “What’s the use of trying?” she would say. Her friends used to tell her, “Please try Monica. Don’t worry about what happens. If you don’t even try, how will it happen?” She would reply, “What’s the use? Even if I do my best, it won’t happen.” Her friend talked to her about the 4th Factor and she started making an effort again without anticipating any results. She was so happy! She had stopped trying because her past experiences made her feel that all her endeavours were of no use. She was so full of doubts that it inevitably affected her condence, her performance and obviously, the results. But now she does her best without any expectations. She has learned to surrender to the 4th Factor and accept its will. She is very happy! Many things that she wanted to happen, happened and her life is transformed.