The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


Sometimes we live with negative emotions like jealousy and hatred. What is the cause of these negative emotions? We act with utter dislike towards somebody because of their possible action or reaction towards us. We don’t realize that they may have been acting out of compulsion. Sometimes our desires reach such a low level that rather than wanting something for ourselves, we start becoming envious of others. We wish for their downfall and hope for their failure. Had we realized that there was a 4th Factor that would nullify our envy or jealousy, would we stoop to such a low level? If we knew that our hate would bounce back upon us, even if we could not love, we would not hate. Our ignorance about the reality of life, the presence of a Cosmic Power and the prevalence of the 4th Factor, makes us live and suffer from negative emotions like jealousy and hate.


If we believe in the 4th Factor, we can choose to live a new life without negative emotions. All our anxieties can come to an end. We are constantly jumping from the past to the future because we do not believe in the 4th Factor. Because of our ignorance of the presence of the Cosmic Power and lack of realization of the truth – that life is a drama that is happening moment by moment, we continue to be anxious and are not able to live a life of joy and peace. If we transform our life making the 4th Factor real in our life, then there is no place for anxiety. We become so condent