The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


about the 4th Factor that anxiety evaporates as mist in the morning sun.


If we want to transform our life and choose a new way to live, we must choose to live with the 4th Factor. What does this call for? It calls for us to surrender and to trust the 4th Factor. We must accept the Power of the 4th Factor in our day to day life.


Can’t we see that every aspect of our life depends on a Power that is beyond our control? There is a Power that gives us life and when this power leaves, we face death. This Power is no different from the 4th Factor. If we deny and ask for proof, we will continue to live in misery. If we contemplate through inference, we can clearly see that this Life Power is associated with the 4th Factor and it is part of our life from birth to death.


Every aspect of our life is connected with the Cosmic Power and 4th Factor. But we take things for granted and do not value the magic that it creates in our life. Do we realize that our speech comes from a hair-thin vocal cord? If there was no 4th Factor, and no Power pouring its grace upon us, we could snap our vocal cord in a fraction of a second and be unable to speak for life. While everything in our life is actually a blessing, we are somehow ungrateful and don’t value the gift of our life.