The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


systems that it activates. It triggers the digestive system that digests our food and creates energy for the body, and the excretory system that removes waste, which is essential for the body to survive. Who is controlling our body system? Eight billion human beings live moment by moment and we don’t bother to think of the power that is responsible for the life within. It is the 4th Factor or the Cosmic Power that is responsible for all of this.


We don’t have the time to think about the 4th Factor and this is the cause of our misery. If only we realized that our brain had a memory of one quadrillion and it could hold so much of information, we would be humbled. But we do not even think of who is causing this to happen. As the heart pumps, it creates energy every day which is said to be equal to a power that can drive a truck for 32 kilometres. There is so much Power within. That itself should make us realize that the Power of the 4th Factor is so humungous that it is greater than the power of eight billion human beings that it has created on earth.


All this should make us peaceful and blissful. It should give us condence and courage in the 4th Factor. Not only should it eliminate our anxiety, it should create so much courage and condence, that it lls our life with happiness. We must be conscious of the power of the 4th Factor and should be able to view its presence in every