The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


aspect of our life. This will help us live with peace and joy.


Have you experienced a sudden burst of inspirational energy, an idea from your sixth sense that seems like a creative blessing? Have you had the experience of hunches or telepathy? What suddenly makes us feel like a genius? Can we prove all this? While we can’t prove the power of the sixth sense, we experience it. This direct experience is far more powerful than any proof. After all, how will a proof help us live a happy life? Neither must we seek proof, nor must we seek to prove to anybody. Our challenge is to live with peace and joy.


We human beings have got used to living with misery and unless we transform our life, accepting the Power of the 4th Factor, we will continue to suffer without experiencing the bliss that comes from the realization of the truth. Is it so difcult to realize that the heart beats over one lakh times a day and we breathe more than 20,000 times? Shouldn’t we be grateful for this? Instead of being attached to petty results that are born from our expectations, should we not learn to live with gratitude, accepting a Divine Will? Should we not see the presence of the Power of the 4th Factor?


Haven’t we seen somebody who was laughing with us suddenly die? We say that the person has moved on,