The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living with the 4th Factor


passed away or departed. We see that the body that lies in front of us starts to decay and is of no use without the Power that was within. But instead of admiring the Power, we are so caught up with the body that we continue to be miserable in the ignorance that we live with. If only we use our intelligence to realize the truth, that this body is nothing, just esh and bones, we could be awakened to a new reality. If only we go deeper to realize that the mind is something we cannot nd, that it is a bundle of thoughts that distracts us from the reality and clouds our intellect, we would not be a slave to an illusion. If only we valued that aspect of discrimination that we are blessed with, we could realize the truth. We could become aware of the 4th Factor and the tremendous Power it possesses that comes from the Universal Cosmic Energy.


We have all heard of the very famous proverb: Man proposes, God disposes. We know that while we can propose, ultimately God will dispose as per His will. This is true. Man can propose through three factors – his efciency, his equipment and the act. He can do the best he can, but he can only propose. He cannot dispose. He can only act, he cannot control the result of his action. But without proposing, there can be no disposing, which means if man does not propose, then God will not dispose. Man must act. It is in the hands of man to rst act, but once having acted, man must sit back in peace to let the result unfold on