The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Actions and Results


Now consider a scenario where man acts without desire for a specic result. Then he is never miserable nor is he a prisoner of this cycle. It is desire for a specic result that makes man a prisoner of his own actions - a cycle of desire, action, result and desire again.


Can man escape from action? No man who is alive can escape from action but he can escape from the desired results of his action. While man can live without desires, he cannot live without action.


Do we control the results of our actions? Unfortunately, no. While we control our actions and the other factors, we have no control over the results. Then why do we desire a specic result when we know that we cannot achieve it all the time? The results are in the hands of a factor beyond man’s control. Man is unable to decode the mystery of how the results are controlled and remains a prisoner of the cycle of action and result.


Man is ignorant of this factor that controls results. The 4th Factor is unknown to him. His ego makes him believe that he is in command of the results and this ignorance makes him suffer. When will man realize that he is in control of his actions but not in control of the results thereof? He has to humbly submit to a factor beyond the three that are under his control – the 4thFactor.