The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Actions and Results




Actions and Results


Actions and results are inter-connected.


While without action there can be no result, an action cannot exactly determine what the result will be.


The three factors cannot produce a result independently.


An action is inert by itself.
Without the person in control of the task, ultimately there can be no result.


Also, equipment requires a person to act upon it so that some action can take place.


Action can only happen when there is a person and the equipment.


The result comes when these three are put together.
However, these three do produce and inuence the result but do not control the result.


The results are in the hands of a factor beyond man’s control.


Man is unable to decode the mystery of how the results are controlled and thus remains a prisoner of this cycle of action and result.


His ego makes him believe that he is in command of the results and this ignorance makes him suffer.