The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is this Unknown Factor?


peasant who is blessed by the 4th Factor. We cannot underestimate the power of the 4th Factor. We become helpless spectators when certain natural happenings confront us and change the results beyond our wildest expectations.


What can a brilliant student do when he is sitting for his examination and in the most unfortunate occurrence, his pen breaks spilling ink all over his answer sheet, thus, spoiling all the answers that were so intelligently written and losing the top rank to an average classmate who was not quite intelligent? It was not that he was careless, nor did he intentionally break it, nor was it caused by another student. It just happened most unexpectedly! Was it just chance that caused this act to destroy his career or was there a factor beyond?


What is this 4th Factor? While it seems absolutely clear that there is a 4th Factor, it is not in man’s domain to understand and decipher it. A farmer who has one lakh hens that lay eggs may do everything possible for the success of his farm, but despite his best efforts, a poultry virus may destroy all his dreams. A student may study very hard for his exams and prepare for all the questions except one and most unfortunately, it is that one that dominates the examination and he fails.