The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is this Unknown Factor?


Several situations beyond man’s control inuence the result of his actions. Man may suddenly fall sick, he may slip and fall or he may face unexpected weather conditions. Despite his best efforts, he may be blocked by actions or reactions of other people that are beyond his control. Sometimes it may seem fair and at times, very unfair, but man seems to be helpless in front of the 4th Factor. This factor suddenly becomes the dominating factor that decides the results of his actions. Suddenly, man who seemed to be completely in charge of his destiny now seems to be a puppet in the hands of the 4th Factor. He dances to the tune of this mysterious power, despite his best efforts.


Many people were on a ship to Greenland and they asked the captain, “Where are you taking us tomorrow?” The captain had a clear plan to go to Fjord in East Greenland. He hoped that they would see icebergs and polar bears. However, the captain was well aware of the 4th Factor. He knocked his head with his knuckles and said, “Hopefully we will see some amazing sights tomorrow, but I cannot guarantee anything.” He knew that he was at the mercy of the winds and the waves. He knew that if it started snowing, he would have no access to several areas that he wanted to explore in a ship that was well equipped to do so. He was all set and he had a crew that was willing to go the extra mile. But what could he do in front of the 4th Factor? All his efforts could not guarantee results and he knew that it was the 4th Factor that would decide the fate of the day.