The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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desired results. If all actions done by different people using the same instrument produced the same results, then man would become a machine. But such is not the case. If a hundred different people take the same ute and try to play the same music, they will not produce the same sound. Why?


Man has to understand the prevalence of a Cosmic Controller that regulates everything. He has to realize that there is an unknown factor that controls the results of all his actions. For him, sometimes things happen just by chance and he calls this phenomenon luck and sometimes –serendipity. Also, at times, he is just not able to achieve simple things and becomes superstitious and performs many rituals to try to undo what has happened but to no avail.


Man has to acknowledge that there is a mysterious factor, a factor lesser known to man that controls the nal outcome of all his efforts - the 4th Factor. Without discovering this 4th Factor, man will never reach the zenith. He will be helpless and capable of doing nothing. He will continue to struggle in misery. Not only will he be unable to make the possible, possible, but also what is possible, will become impossible without the 4th Factor. Come, let us discover the 4th Factor!