The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Our Ignorance Creates Miser y


doctor tell someone that he is going to die due to a terminal illness – he is heartbroken and in tears. But should man reach such a level of despondency to realize his ignorance? Being the only living creature who is blessed with a full-edged intellect, should he not see a reason to realize the truth? Is it not clear that there is a 4th Factor that controls the results of his actions and the destiny of his life?


If man contemplates, he will realize that he does not control how he was born. Do we control the time we were born, the place we were born, to which parents we were born? No, we don't. Can we even think of deciding the ethnicity, religion, and cultural background of our parents at the time of our birth? No. Similarly, man cannot control his death. He doesn't know when he will die or where and how. Man knows that the physical body will die, but he doesn't know what happens after death. Clearly, there is a power beyond man that controls his life and death, just as it controls the results that are decided after man's actions. We have already analyzed the three known factors that are required to produce any result, but these factors do not, ultimately, determine the result. There is a 4th Factor unknown to man that nally controls results. Man’s denial of this 4th Factor continues to make him sink in the ignorance and misery that he lives and dies with.


If only man realizes the truth and uses his intellect to see