The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Our Ignorance Creates Miser y


that despite their best efforts, there is no guarantee of their expected results. Even if they are optimistic and live with hope, they are ready to accept a result that is not as per their expectations. They make space for the 4th Factor to perform in the equation of man’s efforts and results. While there are a few people who realize the presence of the 4th Factor and escape from being miserable, most of humanity fails to do so. Man is defeated by his two priceless assets – his own mind and his ego. His mind produces thoughts that inate his ego and together they blow up his ignorance and arrogance which ultimately bursts in misery. Man has to control his mind and transcend his ego. He has to realize that he is not the all-powerful one to determine results. Despite his best efforts, he may not achieve what he wants to achieve because there is a 4th Factor involved in the game of life. He needs to use his intellect – that discriminative part of his arsenal to slay the ego and the thoughts of his mind. As long as man is alive, the mind and ego will continue to rage a battle within against his own intellect, trying to overpower it with ignorance. If he gives in to the ego and mind, he will become miserable. But if he wants to live with joy and peace, then he must transcend the mind and ego and go beyond to the truth that lies ahead. There is a factor, far more powerful than man that controls every result. This powerful factor also controls man’s essential goal of life, happiness. There is a Divine force that is responsible for