The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living in Surrender and Acceptance


this expectation is not always fullled. When we accept the 4th Factor, then our philosophy also surrenders to it rather than hoping for future results.


Suppose, I keep on hoping for something to happen, even though I very well know that the result is not in my hands. What is going to happen? Am I not going to live with stress, worry and anxiety? Despite my best efforts, I know that there are factors beyond my control that can inuence what is going to happen. Then, why should I hope and become miserable? Shouldn’t I rather surrender and accept the Divine Will of the 4th Factor?


We must learn to surrender to the 4th Factor and accept the unfolding of its Divine Will. We are helpless spectators and often we cannot do anything. Our plans can be torpedoed by the sudden death of a person who was an intricate part of the plan. This can completely change our life. It may not be death, it may be sudden terminal illness of a key person in our life. What can we do? We have no choice but to surrender and accept the Divine Will of the 4th Factor.


If only we learn to adopt a philosophy of surrender and acceptance, we will be able to escape from all the stress, worry, anxiety, fear and sorrow. We are intelligent enough to know that we can’t change the past. Still most of us