The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living in Surrender and Acceptance


spend so much time in our yesterdays - last week, last month and last year. We don’t even forget what happened ten years back. The hurt seems fresh and we nurse it, curse it and rehearse it. Of what use is this other than giving us misery? If we acknowledge that incidents of the past were controlled by a 4th Factor and which we could do nothing about, then we could let go. We would reverse the hurt by the acceptance of the Divine Will of the 4th Factor.


Shyam was blessed with a beautiful wife and two children. They were nancially sound and generally a happy family. However, every day, when he used to pray to God, seeing his late father’s picture which hung on the wall, he would become gloomy. His mind would start re-playing a registered ow of thoughts, “Dad, why did you give me the smallest share amongst all the sons? Why were you always unfair to me? What wrong did I do to you? If you had supported me, I would have been nancially stable.” Such thoughts would continue to occupy Shyam’s mind and he used to become miserable. This would happen every day and it seemed like Shyam had become a prisoner of his mind. The moment he saw his father’s picture, he would go into the past and keep on thinking of the injustice he had faced. The past was over. His father was dead. Nothing could be done now. But Shyam did not delete those incidents from his memory. They were etched on his mind and they would reappear every day when he prayed. If Shyam had learnt about and believed in the 4th Factor and accepted those incidents as Divine Will, he would have deleted them from his mind regardless of whether they were his own