The Fourth Factor by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Living in Surrender and Acceptance


actions returning to him or whether they were due to reasons beyond his comprehension. If he would have surrendered to the 4th Factor, accepted the injustice, he would have moved on. His life would not have continued to be miserable because of his attachment to the irreversible events of the past. Not only was Shyam’s past a tragedy, but he was also destroying his present because of his refusal to accept something that had taken place in the past.


Similarly, we need not be anxious about the future. What is in our hands is to put in our best efforts. We know the three factors responsible which are under our control. It includes us, our instrument or actions, and the act itself. We can improve our own skill and will, thereby producing inspiration and motivation that would bring out our best performance. We can go all-out to make our instrument and equipment the best possible, and we can make all efforts to make the action outstanding and excellent. In today’s world, these three factors may use technology, expertise, teamwork, and other management tools that will lead to quality and excellence. But what can we do beyond that? Can we control the results of our actions? We can only do one thing – Surrender! We can live with passion, persistence and positive thinking, but without patience, we will never achieve any progress.


Ajay was starting a venture capital fund and he had worked hard to nd investors and collect a sizeable fund. Now he was anxious