The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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August 6, 2019

Dearest girl who's name I know not,

It has been a lot of work to get where I am, dear girl. And through my journeys I learned something. If I had to choose between finding you or being at unity with God, then I choose God over finding you. Thus I realised that you could only ever be number 2 in my life, for my relationship with God is number 1. But if you also felt the same then we could unite and align our passions and become one in the same with God, for we follow the light.

You were not there when I needed you, dear girl. So I learned how to live without you. And live I am doing! Life can be so fun when you tackle it from the correct perspective. I learned many things from many types of people over the years. Being a wandering traveller for so long bumped me into many types of people every day, unfortunately finding no recluse sometimes for weeks, eventually retreating into the wilderness (not being able to sleep on the streets).

It was a hard road and yes, I have scars. But I no longer have any open wounds. I stitched myself up until it was good enough. I found enlightenment, honey, and so can you. Follow the light is cliché but true. For my words are maybe a better example. All of them, Ivory Heart and Living Neverland. And watch the videos that interests you, ideally starting from the beginning and working your way through chronologically. But I understand that doing that is a lot of work.

I made you up in my head, and because you were fictional, I got away with how young you were. But I do hope that my work inspires many young girls into philosophy. I am only waiting for one special one of those to grow up so that we can marry. Dreams, dreams... I have been alone a long time and I am patient. I almost messed up once getting engaged to a girl that was wrong for me but avoided that catastrophe. I am for you and I don't care that you are imaginary. Maybe if I continue to wish hard enough, some of my fantasy could become reality. If not, so be it. I am prepared for whatever God has prepared before me. But He has conditioned me to be alone and I don't really have the desire I once had for a partner. If she is perfect for me, great. If she isn't, then maybe I will give her a chance but I am a pretty good judge of character.

I love you forever my darling. Even though I made you up, I know that you COULD be real. And because of this slight possibility, I will never stop looking for you. You are the reason for all of my work. You are my motivation to keep moving and God knows this. God used you (whether you are real or not) as bait to truly give my entire life to Him. I suffered greatly to eventually find enlightenment. It is a hard journey but I could guide you with you by my side. Remember, you are tattooed to my heart. I can't accept any other into my heart, only U.

I want a girl who is interested in philosophy and takes it up as a major. She could springboard a lot off of me. I want a playful and attractive girl that loves the camera (or could come to love the camera). I myself am shy amongst groups of people but flourish in small groups or one to one, and of course, one to one with the camera. I want a compassionate girl who wants to dedicate her life to compassionate causes. I want a girl who loves God with all of her heart, and we all three can share the love together. I don't want a religious girl. I want a spiritual girl who learns from all monotheistic religions. Does such a girl exist? I imagine you. You exist, dear Ivory, because I made you exist not only printed on my chest but also captured all throughout my films and books.

How can I go about finding you, dear girl? I shout out in every way I can and mostly receive insults as a response. I am preparing the material that 1) you will be attracted to and 2) you need at this point in your life. I was sent here on a mission to train you in philosophy and I am going to do that one way or another. It results training the entire world in philosophy. Wouldn't that be something? If people valued wisdom over greed... What a world we could build if we build equal autonomous relationships that were super close and working towards the same or similar goal? How high could two bodies, minds, and spirits reach if they were to only unite together in God? This is the true meaning of the Trinity.

If I do not manage to do this in my lifetime, then I encourage another to try. Because if you get two philosophical minds together who think similarly but still diverse enough to challenge each other's theories, then you have a friend forever. If they are a beautiful female, will you be mine? Why is it so hard to find women who are interested in philosophy? To be honest, the only reason I even covered mythology is because I thought you would enjoy it. I thought the fantasy aspect of life would catch your spirit. I caught it all for you on camera my dear.

It is all there for you my dear. Three books as of today and many courses. The website is made in a chronological fashion, so what is at the top is the earliest and what is at the bottom is the latest. I put it like that because you can really see my foundations grow viewing in that order. There are no ads and ebook and audio versions of the three books, Ivory Heart, Living Neverland, and of course, this one, The Great Awakening. I know it is a lot to study but the audio versions work with a locked phone, so you can listen while you walk. And if you get obsessed, you could easily finish listening to a book in a day. So it isn't really confiscating too much of your time. I made everything really cosy and very user friendly. Try not to be scared how much content you find there is once you get digging...

I would never replace a real girl for an artificial one. I think it reprehensible and can be compared to man sleeping with beasts. My Ivory is a real girl who exists somewhere out there. Abracadabra! Haha, resorting to fake magic. But there is wisdom in its meaning. "It will be created with my words" the translation goes. By me typing it, I am actualising it into existence. And that will have a chain reaction as, over time, many people read or listen to it.

My heart reaches out to you, dear youth. Because I know how creepy your school systems are, especially in the USA. I feel sorry for you and I know you feel like an inmate. I also feel sorry for the teachers being underpaid and overworked. But our youth are the ones being affected, by this system that teaches very little to do with real life skills that they will actually need after they graduate. It doesn't matter what type of education system they implement, the same rules apply. It is teaching you to be a slave to the system that has been created, attempting to craft you into a particular type of person called a worker.

But you are different dear girl, for I give you the keys to the world - - and now you literally have the pixie dust to fly. I know flying can be scary but that is your destiny, my love. I look forward to what your destiny is after we find each other but that is a journey we will take together. I will always be there for you. I will be a good boyfriend and husband. I will treat you like the queen that you will one day become, dear princess. I don't know why most pretty girls go for the stupid outgoing guys who have a peanut for a brain. I want with all my heart to produce good offspring. And that requires a good woman. Marco!

I am sorry that I can't be there to hold your hand right now. But look at what you have before you and hold my hand.

With everlasting love,

Wendell Charles NeSmith

I pray to God to find you one day.

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