The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Captain's Log, Stargate Corona Borealis, this is Wendell Charles NeSmith speaking, and it is the 22nd of April, 2016. I was abducted from my place of residence in Cooktown, I don't remember the exact date but later I will refer to it. I have just purchased this recording device so that I can articulate my thoughts on the surroundings that are happening to me. I was abducted violently by the police and they threw me from there into a mental hospital in Cairns and that is where I am now. And I am going to try to start making productions using audio now instead of audiovideo because I have already done the video thing so now it is time to do this because it would be a very effective method to learn from listening to audio recordings since you can put audio recordings on webpages and then play them through your mobile device while its being locked. So this could be a very effective method for people to just listen to while they are walking or whatever, so let's see how this goes. It should be fun and it is kind of funny because I am a really good person and they are all crazy. But let's see how it goes.

Today is the 23rd and I am out on leave again. They won't allow me to have this device in the unit. So I have been contemplating about how to employ this type of education and, I think it was back in the year 2007 that I started a podcast called Paradox Corner but no one was interested in it so I didn't continue with it. So I think that this will be Paradox Corner and I will try to use this like I would use video and record the images that I am portraying through audio.

For trying to save the world, the unit has labelled me schizotypal and/or schizoaffective and they are medicating me with olanzapine like they did last time and I am learning how to be able to record my thoughts effectively with it because it is an obstruction of my mental processing so it is difficult to articulate my thoughts on their medicine as well as I would be able to without their medicine. But they are forcing me to do it, I'm involuntary. So that is what is happening. I am sitting right now on a rock that is artificially made to be able to be climbed and I am looking over the esplanade in Cairns, but I think soon they will send me back to Cooktown.

After they abducted me from Cooktown they then put me in a helicopter and flew me to Cairns. And they did this very violently even though my body was not resisting; it was only my words that were resisting their Satanic influences. And they drugged me up with a whole bunch of medications that made me pretty much forget three days; there was three days of confusion because they drugged me so much that I couldn't comprehend what was happening around my world. So hopefully in the near future they will leave me alone and let me do what God was telling me to do all along; what tells me to do. But by me saying that God is telling me to do this they think that I am crazy. But this is a spiritual war and this is what we call Revelation and in order to retain my soul I am required to continue to fight their oppressive practices.

They won't allow me any form of communication so I am not really sure what has happened while I have been in the hospital. They don't allow me to access the Internet even though that is problematic to my purpose. What they are ultimately doing is obstruction of justice, and I have told them this many times, and they know this, because I am running for President in 2016. Although I know that no one is listening and ultimately I will not be elected, because there is no election! It is all fake anyway so I have just joined their game and since my ideologies do not fit theirs then they lock me up and refuse me access to the Internet. No one knows that I am here except the people who saw me being abducted in Cooktown.

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Iraq. Who is Bin Laden and where is he? During the police interrogation I accused them of being Satanic and they agreed that they were Satanic.

I have inquired to them multiple times as to what my charges against me were; as to what I did wrong in order for them to do this to me. And they said nothing and that I was just mentally ill and they were trying to quote "Help me".

It is very ironic because this weekend is Anzac weekend and Monday is a public holiday. It does sound like they will let me go possibly next week and continue my work then, but, they don't like my work and they do not want me to continue my because it exposes their corruptions. So while they celebrate, they also obstruct justice.

I have come to accept that I am part of the Skynet programme. Those who call themselves humans are not human because they are not humane. I have not managed to find one single human my entire life. For they all abide by the law of Satan and not God.

There has been a handful of times over the past few weeks in which I accused individuals who are partaking in this system of being Satanic and they have agreed with me that they are Satanic and abide by the law of the letter and not the law of God. This means that there is nowhere that I can run or hide to stay away from these evil people. I am just going to be a dog that they chip and monitor which is very ironic because that is how they wish to control people and people like me are the test subjects of their future empire that they are about to implement: the Old New World Order.

They have flipped the truth, for the NWO to them is backwards and they OWN you.

God told me in my childhood to find one righteous individual in this world and I have failed to do that. So I have come to accept that I am a piece of the puzzle in which will be responsible for the destruction of this fallen land. But I have chosen no side except my own and I will continue to do that. I am an independent artist and I will use my art to destroy the Old New World Order. All of my work will still be geared towards you Ivory, but unfortunately, I don’t think that I will find you in this life. The clock has ticked too many times for me to have enough time to train you to do what I was commanded to. So unfortunately, even though I gave my life to you to try to train you in these fields of practice, ultimately, I don’t think I will find you until the next life. But you are still my motivation and my device and I will never stop loving you, my love.

The truth is my love is that I was built for you. Crafted by God as clay, to do the same for you. To heal your emotional scars. To be there for you when no one else is. And I am going to continue to do that for not only you, but your entire generation. And the only thing that can stop me is the end of the world, and even then I will continue to utilise my gifts to find and help you through your problems.

I am very sorry God for not being capable of accomplishing the mission in which you gave me. But I could have done no better. So maybe I did accomplish the mission that you wanted me to accomplish and maybe I was just deceived in my motivations to accomplish that mission.

The Law of the Lord. The law of the lord is perfect, it gives new strength. The commands of the lord are trustworthy, giving wisdom to those who lack it. The laws of the Lord are right, and those who obey them are happy. The commands of the lord are just, and give understanding to the mind. Reverence for the Lord is good. It will continue forever. The judgements of the Lord are just, and they are always fair. They are more desirable than the finest gold. They are sweeter than the purest honey. They give knowledge to me, your servant. I am rewarded for obeying them. None of us can see our own errors. Deliver me Lord from hidden faults. Keep me safe also from wilful sins. Don't let them rule over me. Then I shall be perfect and free from the evil of sin. May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to you, oh Lord, my refuge and my redeemer. Psalm 19 7-14

It is the 24th of April and earlier today I went down to the library and utilised their Internet connection to upload a whole bunch of videos of my past and I still have one more set to upload, and, as you would know, if you have been following along, I can only upload 20gb at a time with Vimeo, so the next time I do it should be all of my videos online. Unfortunately, I am still missing the launch to Open Source University, but that is okay because I still have part that launch in the production, Homeless Love.

It is the 25th today, which is Anzac Day, and they refused me to attend Dawn Service. There was a service that they had in their chapel in which they advertised, but when I went there, there was nobody there. So even though they advertised it, they didn't do anything. So I was not able to commemorate those who were lost in war, lost, lost their lives; people who support them lost, lost their hearts living in a fallen world that has no idea what is right in front of them.

This morning I was busted with a lighter and they had a long talk with me about how it is illegal and my response was that I live under God's law and not their law, but they said that their law precedes God's law... so they will be punished.

Just to note my abduction day the 11th of April, 2016. Today is the 26th. The caravan park in Cooktown will no longer allow me to return to it. So now I need to work with my social worker, Alana in finding stable accommodation. And hopefully that will be in nature and not in a house.

Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.

All of this has happened not because of any actions I have taken but because of who I am and what I represent.

Killer B.

April 28, 2016

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