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End Notes


Chapter 2


1 Zukav, Gary. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An overview of the new physics. New York: Bantam, 304.

2Ibid., 304.

3 Capra, Fritjof. (1991). The Tao of Physics (3rd Ed.). Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, 55.

4 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 304.

5Ibid., 305.

6Ibid., 113.

7 Capra. (1991). The Tao of Physics, 78.unity

8 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 96.

9Ibid., 96.

10 Russell, Peter. (2003). From Science to God: A physicist’s journey into the mystery of consciousness. Novato, CA: New World Library, 48.

11Ibid., 49.

12 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 216.

13 Hans-Peter Dürr, as cited in Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 49.

14 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 193.

15Ibid., 194.

16 Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 50.

17Ibid., 68.

18 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 71.

19Ibid., 71.

20Ibid., 78.

21Ibid., 72.

22 Capra. (1991). The Tao of Physics, 62.

23Ibid., 162.

24Ibid., 164.

25Ibid., 164.

26 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 150.

27Ibid., 154.

28Ibid., 137.

29 Capra. (1991). The Tao of Physics, 46-47.

30 Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 64.

31Ibid., 67, 71, 85.

32 Capra. (1991). The Tao of Physics, 77.

33 As cited in Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 67.

34 Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 28.

35Ibid., 28.

36 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 305.

37Ibid., 29.

38 Ibid.

39Ibid., 31.

40Ibid., 31.

41 As cited in Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 26.

42Ibid., 26.

43Ibid., 27.

44Ibid., 27.

45 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 28.

46 Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 90.

47 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 71.

48Ibid., 79.

49 Capra. (1991). The Tao of Physics, 300.

50 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 200.

51 Capra. (1991). The Tao of Physics, 210-211.

52Ibid., 222.

53 Zukav. (1979). The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 198.

54Ibid., 286.

55Ibid., 295.

56Ibid., 298.

57Ibid., 282.

58Ibid., 282, 290.

59Ibid., 257.

60Ibid., 296.

61Ibid., 296.

62Ibid., 297.

63Ibid., 282, 294.

64Ibid., 281.

65Ibid., 260.


Chapter 3


66 Gallup, G., & Proctor, W. (1982). Adventures in Immortality: A Look Beyond the Threshold of Death. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

67Perera, M. (2005). Prevalence of Near-Death Experiences in Australia. Journal of Near-Death Studies,   24, 109. and Knoblauch, H. (2001). Different Kinds of Near-Death Experience: A Report on a Survey of Near-Death Experiences in Germany. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 20, 15-29.


69 Moody, Raymond A. (1975). Life after Life: The investigation of a phenomenon; survival of bodily death. New York: HarperOne.

70 Berman, Phillip L. (1998). The Journey Home: What near death experiences and mysticism teach us about the gift of life. New York: Pocket Books.

71 Moody, Raymond A. (1989). The Light Beyond: New explorations. New York: Bantam, 5-12.

72 Moody. (1975). Life after Life, 20-21.

73Ibid., 21.

74 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond, 14.

75Migliore,V. (2007). Key Facts about Near-Death Experience. The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) report. Available at

76Migliore,V. (2007). Characteristics of a Near-Death Experience. IANDS report. Available at

77 Moody. (1975). Life after Life, 22.

78Migliore,V. (2007). Characteristics of a Near-Death Experience. IANDS report.

79 Moody, (1975).  Life after Life, 22-23.

80 Long, Jeffrey, and Perry, Paul. (2010). Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of near death experiences. New York: HarperOne.

81 Ibid.

82 Ibid.

83 Ibid.

84 Ibid.

85 Ibid.

86 Ibid.

87 Ibid.

88 Moody. (1975). Life after Life.

89 Long and  Perry. (2010). Evidence of the Afterlife.

90Kirtley, D. D. (1975). The Psychology of Blindness. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.

91 Ibid.

92 Ibid.

93Ring, Kenneth & Cooper, Sharon. (2008). Mindsight: Near-death and out-of-body experiences in the blind. New York: iUniverse, 14-15.

94Ibid., 16.

95Ibid., 37.

96Ibid., 16.

97Ibid., 20.

98 Ibid.

99Ibid., 48.

100 Ibid.

101 Ibid.

102Ibid., 12.

103Ibid., 13.

104Ibid., 86.

105Ibid., 86-88.

106 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond, 154.

107 van Lommel, Pim. (Dec 2001). Near Death Experience in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective Study in the Netherlands, The Lancet, 358, pp. 2039-2045.

108 Sharp, K. C. (1995). After the Light: What I Discovered on the Other Side of Life That Can Change Your World. Morrow, NY.

109 Near Death Experience Research Foundation. (2 March 2011). “George C. NDE.” Available at

110 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond.154.

111Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report. Available at

112Migliore,V. (2007). Key Facts about Near-Death Experience. IANDS report.

113Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report.

114 Sutherland, C. (1990). Changes in Religious Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices Following Near-Death Experiences: An Australian Study. Journal of Near-Death Studies. 9: 24; Ring. K. (1998). Lessons from the Light: What we can learn from the Near-Death Experience. Insight Books; Noyes, R. (1980). Noyes, R. (1980). Attitude Changes Following Near-Death Experiences. Psychiatry, 43: 234-242; and Greyson, B. (1992). Reduced Death Threat in Near-Death Experiences. Death Studies. 16: 533-46.

115 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond, 33.

116 Sutherland, C. (1990). Changes in Religious Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices Following Near-Death Experiences: An Australian Study. Journal of Near-Death Studies. 9: 24; Flynn, C. (1982). Meanings and Implications of NDEr Transformations: Some Preliminary Findings and Implications. Anabiosis: Journal of Near-Death Studies 2: 7; Musgrave, C. (1997). The Near-Death Experience: A Study of Spiritual Transformation. Journal of Near-Death Studies. 15: 187-201.

117 Bauer, M. (1985). Near-Death Experiences and Attitudinal Change. Anabiosis: Journal of Near-Death Studies. 5. 39-46.

118Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report.

119 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond, 33, 34.

120 Bauer, M. (1985). Near-Death Experiences and Attitudinal Change. Anabiosis: Journal of Near-Death Studies. 5. 39-46.

121Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report.

122 Christian, S. R. (2005). Marital satisfaction and stability following a near-death experience of one of the marital partners. University of North Texas Dissertation. Available at August2005/Open/christian_sandra_rozan/index.htm.

123 Noyes, R. (1980). Attitude Changes Following Near-Death Experiences. Psychiatry, 43:234-242; Ring, K. (1984). Heading toward Omega: In Search of the Meaning of the Near-Death Experience. William Morrow Books; and Stout, Y. et. al. (2006) Six Major Challenges Faced by Near-Death Experiencers. Journal of Near-Death Studies 29. 49-62.

124 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond, 39.

125Ibid., 68.

126Ibid., 36.

127Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report.

128 Moody. (1989). The Light Beyond, 41.

129Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report.

130 Sutherland, C. (1989). Psychic Phenomena Following Near-Death Experiences: An Australian Study. Journal of Near-Death Studies 8. 99; Greyson, B. (1983). Increase in Psychic Phenomena Following Near-Death Experiences. Theta. 11: 26-29; and Migliore. V. (2007). Statistical Summary of Near-Death Experience Reports. IANDS report.

131Migliore,V. (2007). Aftereffects of Near-death States. IANDS report.

132 Ibid.

133 Ibid.

134 Ibid.

135 Ibid.

136Migliore,V. (2007). Key Facts about Near-Death Experience. IANDS report.

137 As cited in Russell. (2003). From Science to God, 67.

138 The topic of rectifying the concept of independent entities within a united collective consciousness is very well handled by Ian Lawton.  Lawton’s theory of Holographic Aspects of the Source is well worth the short time it takes to read his highly recommended book, The Big Book of the Soul. (2008). Dorchester, England: Henry Ling.

139Ring and Cooper. (2008). Mindsight, 17, 37.

140Ibid., 17, 30, 31.

141Ibid., 30.


Chapter 4


142Twemlow, Stuart W. MD, and Gabbard, Glen O. MD. (1982). The Out of Body Experience: A Phenomenological Typology based on questionnaire responses. American Journal of Psychiatry, 139: 450-455.

143 Monroe, Robert A. (1985). Far Journeys. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 276.

144Ibid., 265.

145 Monroe, Robert A. (1971). Journeys out of the Body. New York: Doubleday, 8.

146 Ibid.

147 Magnus, John. (2005). Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality: Exploring the Out-of-Body State. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 96-97, 14.

148 Monroe. (1971). Journeys out of the Body, 8.

149 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys.

150 Hart, H. (1954). ESP Projection: Spontaneous cases and the experimental method. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 48:121-146.

151 Green, C. (1968). Out-of-the-body experiences. London, Hamish Hamilton.

152 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys, 278.

153Buhlman, William. (2001). The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand our True Nature. New York: HarperCollins.

154 Monroe. (1971). Journeys out of the Body, 8.

155 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys, 63-64.

156Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 135.

157Ibid., 143-144.

158 Monroe. (1971). Journeys out of the Body, 9, 61.

159Ibid., 9-10.

160Ibid., 74.

161Twemlow. (1982). The Out of Body Experience, 453.

162Ibid., 454.

163 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys.

164 Moody, Raymond A. (1975). Life after Life: The investigation of a phenomenon; survival of bodily death. New York: HarperOne.

165Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 51-52.

166Ibid., 50.

167 Ibid.

168Ibid., 52.

169 Monroe. (1971). Journeys out of the Body, 123-125.

170 Ibid.

171Ibid., 8.

172Twemlow. (1982). The Out of Body Experience, 454.

173Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 68-69.

174 Monroe. (1971). Journeys out of the Body, 74.

175Ibid., 74.

176 Maurice Rawlings, M.D. (1991). Beyond Death’s Door. New York: Bantam.

177 Monroe, Far Journeys; and Magnus, John. (2005). Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality: Exploring the Out-of-Body State. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads, 19-22.

178 Monroe. (1971). Journeys out of the Body, 75.

179Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 83.

180Ibid., 84.

181Ibid., 80.

182 Magnus. (2005). Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality, 271-276, 282-284, 286.

183Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 81.

184Ibid., 83.

185Ibid., 83-84.

186Ibid., 80-81.

187 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys, 250.

188Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 250.

189Ibid., 254.

190 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys, 63-64.

191 Ibid.

192 Ibid.

193Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 250.

194Ibid., 255.

195 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys, 248-249.

196Buhlman. (2001). The Secret of the Soul, 250.

197 Monroe. (1985). Far Journeys, 269.

198Ibid., 248.


Chapter 5


199 Fisher, Joe. (1985). The Case for Reincarnation. New York: Bantam, 70.

200 Quoted in  Murphy, G. & Ballou, R.O. (Ed.). (1973). William James on Psychical Research. Clifton, NJ: August M. Kelley.

201 Fisher. (1985). The Case for Reincarnation, 12.