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Chapter Nine

Voyage of Discovery


Clearly, my mother in-law suffered a significant personality disorder, but we weren’t exactly sure what category of disorder or its treatment. It was extremely frustrating, as no professionals were interested in supplying answers to our questions. No doubt, some of them knew exactly what the personality disorder was; they just didn't give a fig – there was no substantial financial benefit for a doctor or therapist offering advice.


We were dealing with something that resembled a human being, but had none of the essential qualities of a human being. There was no love, she could not understand the feelings of other people, she was a consummate liar, cunning, was sexually promiscuous, she stole from emotionally challenged people and she had no guilt and felt no remorse for her actions. She looked human and could easily fool people, including doctors into believing she was normal, but she was a shallow facsimile of a human; a photocopy. She had no soul. Her heart was colder than an accountant’s balance sheet and material possessions and money was far more important than her family. Instead of love and compassion, there was only hatred, abuse and a desire for control. Her twisted and reversed feelings meant she revelled in the pain and suffering she delivered to her family.


When she was confronted on behavioural issues, she would deliver blistering personal attacks on her accuser that left them reeling in shock and unable to establish a rational conversation. She could never apologise for her outrageous behaviour and honestly believed her actions were normal. She saw herself as perfect, directly related to god, all other people were below her and despised as stupid and inferior. She genuinely believed she had traced her family tree back to Jesus Christ with volumes of printed genealogy to prove her claim. She held nothing but disdain and contempt for everyone and would often remark how she hated all people; this was a chilling phrase repeated frequently to her entire family throughout my wife's childhood. She had no depth of emotion that humans feel; she was like some brilliantly programmed machine that ate food. She had learnt to copy other people's emotional states to hide her affliction and 'fit' into society. She had no real ideologies or firm political convictions – she was not an authentic human being.


Amazingly, she was unable to comprehend human facial expressions in relation to emotion. While sitting at a table during mealtime, my wife visually described a person in a threatening mood. She contorted her face in anger and raised her hands above her head. Her mother was unable to identify the mood and had to be told what the indicated emotion was. It was a stunning and saddening example of emotional bankruptcy.


As researchers, my wife and I would make some earth shattering discoveries regarding Anti-Social Behaviour as we explored the murky depths of the subject. We talked to psychologists, attended seminars; we researched books on many neurological subjects, as well as medical journals and trawled libraries for answers. We spent many years accumulating information on sociology, anthropology, psychology and personality disorders that would help us understand what was the cause of my mother in-law's condition. It was an appalling and soul crushing discovery for my wife to discover her mother hated her to the point of homicide and felt no regret or guilt for these thoughts. We desperately needed answers.


Like other researchers, my wife and I both had direct, personal contact with seriously psychologically ill individuals. We acknowledged that normality in a society is objective and past societies have literally held witch-hunts for anyone deviating from 'normal.' It wasn't that long ago that churches and states acquired massive income and real estate from inquisitions that stole from individuals in witch-hunts. We discovered there is no 'normal', only conscience and lack of conscience was a deviance found in certain individuals, globally.


We used personal experience and our learning skills to collect the information we needed to find answers to our questions. We weren't a third party researcher looking coldly at facts and figures or observing people locked in institutions. We had a genuine interest in unravelling our own experiences and trying to help the people with this crippling condition. Our subject was very much alive and still inflicting misery on people in society, but we knew she was far too cunning to be trapped into psychoanalysis. We knew many other people had experienced the horror of being associated with these defective entities and we would try and help as many people as possible recover their lives and avoid further abuse.


There were literally millions of people, globally who are directly affected by these non-humans. People who are left very bewildered by the abuse they have suffered. People who need to know their emotional and physical pain is inflicted by entities that have twisted feelings and if necessary are capable of murder and are not constrained by guilt or feelings of wrongdoings for their actions. People who need to know their abuse was never their fault and under no circumstances were they responsible for the appalling treatment they received.


What we discovered would shake our whole belief system, challenge our perceived reality and would reveal a level of global domination by defective entities posing as humans.


As we were learning more, my wife had a conversation with an overseas friend who had experienced a similar trauma to her own. As they exchanged horror stories, it became apparent the two perpetrators of the abuse were incredibly similar. The afflicted entities were emotionally childlike, lied, saw themselves as superior, were consumed by rage and hatred, were lazy, cunning and deceitful, they had no sense of guilt or remorse, were sexually promiscuous, were shallow and lacked the capacity to love and sympathise. The amazing discovery, was the fact they had an identical speech pattern, “How could you do this to me?” and “You are all crazy, I'm the only sane person here.” as well as the tried and trusted, “What will people think of me?” There were many other quotes that dovetailed perfectly together and the words weren't just similar, they were spoken exactly the same! It was as if they were reading the same script! Their speech patterns revolved around eating, drinking, money and holidays and never anything relating to how they or their daughters were feeling emotionally. They might ask if they were feeling hot or cold, where they had been, what they had paid for food or clothes, who they had seen, but never ask if they were happy or sad, the state of their relationships or their emotional well-being.


It was an extraordinary discovery. These two defective people were not physically similar and didn't even live in the same country, but they acted identically and even used exactly the same phrases when speaking. My wife's friend went on to say that, her mother suffered from 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' (NPD) and at first, the diagnosis seemed to fit my mother in law, but there were some traits that were beyond NPD. We were stunned to discover how many medical practitioners were unaware of this common disorder and the emotional destruction caused by its perpetrators. We knew of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD/APD) and soon discovered there were many people in our social circle affected by these dysfunctional people. People, who like us, had no idea why their abusers had treated them so appallingly. Kind, loving people who had their emotional hearts ripped from their bodies and trampled into the mud.


At last, the wall of terror my wife had endured from childhood was showing the method used in its cunning construction. We soon discovered there were many other people, globally, in all stages of their lives, physically and emotionally torn apart by the organisms masquerading as humans. The next staggering discovery was that nearly every single individual on the planet was a victim of the machinations of defective humans.


We started looking closely at people we knew in our extended family, friends and work colleagues. We had so many wonderful friends who had experiences similar to ours and we realised this abuse was being perpetrated on an enormous scale. We started looking for the creatures administering the abuse and found them in all walks of life. They often had a superficial charm that was irresistible to others, particularly the opposite sex. They were male or female, from various cultures, highly intelligent and often brilliant orators and sometimes had positions of power and authority. We looked at their children and found there were siblings who were shy and withdrawn. We listened to the children's stories, watched their body language and eye movements. We looked at the pictures the children drew and the stories they told. As the years continued and our knowledge increased, we were able to accurately identify the type of personality disorder of the abusers we met.


It was time for us to move, our government at the time had removed our civil liberties. The erosion of freedom started with the Second World War and successive governments insidiously legislated the removal of civil rights as the years progressed. We felt our personal freedom and our very souls squeezed from our bodies like toothpaste from a tube. Our beloved government could throw us in jail on 'suspicion' of anti-government or terrorist activities. That meant we would not have to commit a crime, we only had to contemplate anti-government activity to find ourselves thrown in jail! People incarcerated under these laws had no access to legal representation and faced imprisonment for an indefinite period.


Australia has no bill of human rights in its dubious constitution and although the population embraced democracy and freedom, that freedom was a fabrication. With no bill of human rights in the ‘revised’ Australian constitution, the incorporated government was free to award contracts to a U.K. firm to build a proliferation of der Konzentrationslager, AKA Detention Centres containing refugees and political objectors that spread across the country.


Thomas Jefferson stated all those years ago, "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular; and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference."


Before news reporters at these Detention centres were banned by the government, one of the captive refugees in a Huis van Bewaring, Mr Khan summed up the refugee abuse when he told a news reporter "Taliban attitudes were easy to cope with because they just shot you straight in the head and nothing else. Everything is gone.” He continued, saying, "But Australia's immigration system keeps torturing you day and night."


Refugees wore the label of “illegal immigrants,” “illegal arrivals” or “boat people” and once on Australian soil, with no bill of human rights in the Australian constitution, the government was free to administer outrageous abuse. Refugees endured the agony of inadequate, profit driven, corporate shelters for many years while their requests for entry were processed. Refugees in Australian detention centres committed suicide, drank poison, went on hunger strikes and sewed their lips together in a desperate attempt to escape their treatment or alert the media to their plight.


Dr Peter Young, the former director of mental health services at International Health and Mental Services (IHMS), has stated that the immigration detention system is deliberately designed to cause harm. While giving evidence at a national inquiry into children in immigration detention in 2014, Dr Young said the system in place allows companies to torture people so they want to return to where they came from. He said, "If we take the definition of torture to be the deliberate harming of people in order to coerce them into a desired outcome, I think it does fulfil that definition."


Julian Burnside AO QC, an Australian barrister said, “There is not much doubt that our treatment of asylum seekers in Manus constitutes a crime against humanity. This is a matter of legal analysis, not political rhetoric. The hard facts about the horrific conditions on Manus Island that I've outlined above may not be enough to shock us, but the one thing that really might shock us is to see Abbott (the then Prime Minister), Morrison and Dutton prosecuted in the International Criminal Court for those crimes. That's a pro bono case I would gladly prosecute.”


The Australian navy patrolled the waters between Indonesia and the mainland and faced allegations of cruelty when navy personnel tied refugees to the engine of the patrol vessels causing serious burns to the refugee's hands.


The Australian government faced soft United Nations ‘questioning’ over allegations refugees, already confined in detention centres on Australian soil found themselves placed on incoming refugee boats and turned away from Australian shores without further immigration processing.


If a government could convince its citizens that refugees fleeing oppressive, life-threatening regimes were in their country “illegally,” what else could they make people swallow? There is no way a normal, feeling human being would flee their family, friends and country to risk their lives in an attempt to find refuge without very good reason; they certainly didn't flee for a holiday. These unfortunate people were fleeing from the personal horror of dispossessed homes, murder, rape and torture and were seeking shelter from abusive, feeling-less regimes. If we reversed the scenario, we wondered how many of our fellow Australian citizens would flee to remote parts of the world, claiming refugee status to gain entry to a foreign country and how they would enjoy their new government treating them like animals and seeing their drastic action as simply a way to get a free holiday.


The Migration Amendment Bill (Maintaining the Good Order of Immigration Detention Facilities), empowered authorised officers to use force against people held in 'detention' centres if they believe it is reasonable to do so. This fascist piece of legislation sanctions force against defenceless refugees in a manner that circumvents international human rights law. Should the use of force cause grievous bodily harm, and that force is exercised "in good faith," the Commonwealth of Australia will be considered immune from legal consequences. What the ….? A former Victorian Supreme Court judge, Stephen Charles SC said proposed amendments would make it harder to bring legal action against a guard who inflicted harm on a refugee, and may even encourage it. He said, "The guards were authorised to beat asylum seekers in detention centres to death with immunity." Even the Nazis in 1939 would be proud of this piece of heartless, invalid Australian legislation.


The focus of hatred the Australian government showed towards refugees was cowardly and psychotic. Once again, the government displayed their trademark of callousness when dealing with disenfranchised people on the fringe of mainstream society, suffering injustice and unable to defend themselves. Predictably, this flawed policy of refugee bashing became accepted and applauded by the majority of the general population and brought to the fore during electioneering by both major political parties to ensure election success.


News reporters in Australia were jailed for not revealing the source of their news stories and a deluge of new legislation turned everyday people into criminals. Before the introduction of total news censorship in the late 1980's, we saw harrowing televised reports of prisoners in jail, tied to chairs and injected with drugs or restrained on seats and attacked by dogs. We witnessed the installation of 'security' cameras in ever-increasing numbers and the police had powers beyond their charter to protect the public.


Australian police officers, originally issued with only batons for crowd control and defence, now carried .40 calibre Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistols with a magazine capacity of 15 rounds, Tasers, sprays and truncheons. We were amazed they could keep their pants up with the weight of weaponry hanging on their belts. Our police officer’s uniforms changed from navy blue to black and their outfits and cars closely resembled US models. The question we always asked was why they needed guns at all, as most of the population was cunningly disarmed through anti-gun legislation and unlikely to attack regular officers. With all the CCTV security, phone monitoring and facial recognition software in place, their paranoia was extreme. Were they expecting mass civil unrest?


The Australian Crime Commission (ACC) became the modern day version of the 'Star Chamber.' Originally conceptualised in Britain in the late 15th century with court sessions held in secret, with no indictments, and no witnesses, the Star Chamber was synonymous with misuse and abuse of power by the English monarchy and courts. The Australian Crime Commission's powers have the similar ability to summon any person for questioning and charge those who do not answer questions or lie to officers, with a maximum punishment of five years jail. It became illegal for someone who has attended an ACC examination to disclose information about the summons, the hearing or anything said during questioning, to another person.


The ACC effectively nulls the constitutional writ of Habeas Corpus, an English parliamentary act of 1679, whose Latin translation means, "You have the body." When someone finds himself or herself in jail, this writ is directed at the 'jailer,' commanding him to produce the person being detained, deliver them to a court for judgement by a judge, and jury. The Habeas Corpus writ prevents a person from languishing in illegal captivity, with no trial. In Australia, this ancient right ensuring citizens receive a fair trial has been removed and the ACC Star Chamber is free to do whatever it wants to ensure a statement or indictment. This includes lengthy imprisonment and torture.

Since 2005, in Australia,

1. ANY person can receive a subpoena to go to a crime commission.

2. You MUST go or a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

3. You attend and are asked questions.

4. You must answer ANY question asked.

5. It doesn't matter if that question relates to criminal activity by you, a friend or a loved one, you must answer.

6. If you refuse to answer – you are charged with contempt and are jailed.

7. If you lie (to protect yourself or someone else) – you are charged with perjury and are jailed. Sadly, Australians blindly believed they have a justice system.


Protesting against injustice and sanctioned thuggery by the Australian government became illegal in some areas and protesters may experience the trauma of crowd control using sonic canons such as the LRAD 500X-RE, which has a range of two kilometres, and the hand-held LRAD 100X, with a range of more than 600 metres. Being near these weapons could rupture eardrums or cause brain haemorrhages and possible permanent injury or death. Still the general population believed in demonocracy and its illusion of free speech. Strange, but I thought this sort of loss of personal freedom was the reason I was called up to fight the evil communist regime and their Marxist ideals in Vietnam! And wasn't freedom the reason so many Australian people sacrificed their life as soldiers during the first and second world wars? So where is the freedom they lost their lives for? Just curious.


Australia invaded other foreign countries without provocation in acts of war and the population eagerly supported this war crime aggression. People were encouraged to spy on their neighbours and report unusual activity. We felt a level of paranoia that was palpable and real. The government openly lied about their agendas and the whole feeling was like the abuse we suffered as children, only on a massive scale. Our wonderful friends seemed oblivious to the deteriorating social conditions and loyally trudged off to their own personal slavery every day.

We were sick and tired of the jackboot mentality of our country and realised Australia is firmly in the grip of conservative neoliberalism, bordering on fascism. This ideology espouses liberalised trade, sale of national assets and liberalised economics for large corporations, but not social liberalism. By privatising government assets (selling the assets of the people), socialising any losses (bailouts) and crushing small business and human rights, the foundation of the road to fascism is brutally established.


We couldn't stand one more day of the madness of our society and its soul crushing legislature and were constantly amazed at our countrymen’s acceptance and support of social thuggery. There was nothing that could move them from their torpor, hedonistic indulgences and pursuit of money. There was absolutely no way of ever penetrating their wall of cognitive dissonance. It was as if they were standing in the world's most beautiful building, surrounded by room after room of massive, brightly lit glittering treasure, but they only had the light from a tiny match to find their way along the dark, draughty, narrow hallways. They could never find the doors that led to the treasure. They were held firmly in the spell of modern fascism, the economy, the bombs, bloodbaths, revenge and lies that are the surreal theatre known as 'news.' We realised there was nothing that could ever change their social conditioning, nothing.


We moved far away to a beautiful tropical island in the Pacific Ocean to experience a different culture, distance ourselves from the insanity of consumerism and distil the vast knowledge we had accumulated over many years of research.


The small island we settled on was cloaked in an impenetrable coat of living green. This stunning jewel had beckoned to us constantly since our honeymoon, many years earlier. Gentle sea breezes caressed the land and protected it from the harsh tropical heat. Rugged, jungle shrouded volcanic escarpments reared up vertically from the sea floor and hugged the clouds in a warm, moist embrace. There were trees of gigantic proportions with huge, succulent green leaves that supported lush ferns and epiphytes in abundance. Huge tendrils hung from the branches near the top of the trees to the ground, creating a veil of living wood. Vines with tense, clinging tendrils, clasped the massive trees and seemed to compete with them in a race to the sky above. There were massive Casurina pines on the coast, with their huge flying buttresses clamped solidly to the fragile soil as they ultimately anchored themselves to the sheets of limestone below. Large Kwila and other hardwood trees, as well as countless other jungle varieties created a solid matte of living dark green that covered the sides of steep hills and ravines. Every square centimetre of land supported some type of vegetation and even the limestone rocks were home to small trees and bushes. We noticed some of the massive trees had suffered cyclone damage over the years and had portions of their trunks missing or splintered. The moist humid conditions quickly regenerated the damage created from violent storms.


The earth had a strong smell of natural compost that was only noticeable for a brief time when we left and then returned to the island from a visit overseas. The strong 'earthy' smell would envelop us as we stepped from the aircraft onto the warm, steaming tarmac and into the rustic air terminal. Within the span of a few minutes, we were unable to detect the scent from the other jungle aromas around us.


There were hundreds of birds calling from the massive tree canopies and occasionally they would glide from one huge tree to another in a flash of blurred colour. Iridescent pigeons strutted around the clearings, pecking at the minuscule seeds embedded in the crushed limestone paths and heavily composted soil. There were no poisonous land snakes or life threatening predators on the island, but there were massive fast moving spiders and enormous cockroaches that were always seeking shelter in our house. At night, the cockroaches were so plentiful they formed a mat of rustling, rattling brown on the ground outdoors. The indoor cockroaches allowed our cat to hone his hunting skills. He bounded after the scuttling roaches and sat patiently on top of them until we could remove them. The huge wood spiders that casually walked under the doors and proudly sat on the walls seemed to move at twice the speed of sound and we would have to run to catch them.


With the absence of city lights, the intensity of the night sky with its millions of stars was extraordinary and we could easily walk outdoors during full moon and clearly see for hundreds of metres. Once again, we could drive over the white limestone roads of the island without using car headlights with the warm tropical air and the heavenly scent of Frangipani washing over us. Our tropical paradise came with many more benefits and we noticed the absence of pollutants from the large cities we had lived in, increased our sense of smell to the point we were able to easily identify the scent of people, animals and food from a considerable distance.


There was an explosion of plants and rampant chlorophyll that overwhelmed us at first, but later provided a soothing natural ambience, far removed from the parched desert landscape of most of our old country. Papaya, coconut and bananas grew in abundance and they tasted so much better than the hybridised, genetically modified, pesticide ridden facsimiles we were used to eating. We could buy cheap, fresh fruit and vegetables from the colourful, local market and we knew it hadn't been irradiated or layered with dangerous chemicals like our old supermarket fodder. Most importantly, it tasted like food; real food, not like the insipid cardboard flavoured rubbish we paid a fortune for in our former country. We discovered fruits and root vegetables that were completely alien; we had no idea what they were or what to do with them.


Fruit and vegetables were very seasonal and items like pineapple, pamplemousse and watermelon were only available for four to six weeks in the year. Bananas, coconuts and papaya were constantly available and we always enjoyed their delicious flavour, either straight from the tree or in tropical deserts or curries. When we ate a fresh young coconut, its juice was almost effervescent and incredibly refreshing in the warm humid weather. We used coconut recipes in numerous meals and always fried our food in coconut oil. We discovered the coconut oil didn't ‘weld’ to our pans like other oils, was able to be re-used many times and left our food amazingly crisp and tasty.


We found many other uses for coconut oil and some of the local island people ran their diesel engine vehicles on it. Local municipalities discovered they could use the vegetable oil for power generation. The indigenous population used coconut extensively and the more we learned about the product, the more amazing it became. We found doctors used coconut water as blood plasma during the Second World War when they ran out of supplies for transfusions. The natives could use it as a substitute for breast milk and the list of wonders went on and on. The fact was, coconuts were incredibly plentiful, refreshing and tasted beautiful! Just a bit difficult to hack through their thick, fibrous husk.


The climate was surprisingly mild, we were near the equator, but the weather was dreamy. There were no extremes in temperature that we had experienced for most of our lives. The air temperature did not plunge from a hellish 48 degrees Celsius to a cold 15 degrees Celsius and then back up again in a span of several days. There were no freezing cold winds and frigid driving rain and hail. The tropical thunderstorms rolled slowly across our island and unlike our former country, there were no jagged slabs of ice to fall from the sky. Even the cyclones were hardly more dangerous than the wild, southerly winter gales we had experienced for the greater part of our life. These southern latitude gales, courtesy of the 'roaring forties' during August and September would rip roofs off houses, flatten sheds and leave huge numbers of trees up-rooted or limbless. To all intents and purposes, these gales were cyclonic in their viciousness; the major difference we experienced was the difference in temperature! The southern latitude gales were freezing.


On our beautiful tropical island, we could get out of bed all year round and never feel cold. We never shivered after we had taken a shower. We never had to wrap ourselves in layers of bulky clothing in an effort to stay warm. We rolled out of bed in the morning, slipped on a pair of shorts, and enjoyed the rest of