Writing this document was similar to planting a beautiful tree. It started with a tiny seed that produced a frail stem with fragile, curled leaves and after many years of careful nurturing, weeding and care, the tree took root and towered toward the sky with exotic blossoms, bountiful fruit and copious shade. The more I researched, the more I discovered and at first, I thought my tree was alone in a desert. As the years progressed, it was exciting to find I was part of an ever-expanding and plentiful rain forest that spanned the globe.
As you read the following true story, you will discover power without guns, richness without debt, spirituality without fanaticism, knowledge without diplomas and governance without insanity. You will be able to unlock the hidden doors of the secret world few people realise exists. As the colossal doors swing open, you will discover how global problems are surprisingly simple to understand, predict and solve, once you have the knowledge to identify the people who thrive on your pain and suffering. Once the secret doors are unlocked, your world will look refreshingly different, exciting and you will truly understand it.
Any fool can know their world, and billions do, but very few understand it. After reading this document, you will understand everything about your society, your close associates, yourself - and so much more.
Like so many people I have met over the years, I felt there was something wrong with the way humans suffer from governments. There seemed to be a preference for hatred, abuse, control and war that was completely out of step with the behaviour of most of the people I had met during my life. The people I had met were everyday people, enjoying life, having fun, earning a living, raising children, caring for partners and loved ones, helping other people and minding their own business. These people enjoyed social interaction and were a pleasure to be around. They weren't holding secret meetings, looking for countries to invade, people to spy on, murder or imprison.
I knew there was something unethical with global bureaucracy, spurred by a rabid desire for money, but I didn't fully understand the underlying reason governments were always set on a course of control, nationalistic absurdity and war. After a lifetime of intense research, I would find the key that unlocked the answers to the questions I had been asking since I was a child. With millions of people on the planet urgently requiring answers to modern day predicaments, I have told a short story as it happened, simply, honestly, exploding into the most confronting material you will ever read, but culminating in the answer to many personal and social problems.
I know I am far from perfect with more faults than the San Andreas Fault line, but those who control me stand by their illusion of perfection, superiority and sanity. I have lost count of the number of people who said they felt global governments were insane and heartless and only now, for the first time in human history, can we medically analyse and accurately identify the individuals responsible for this insanity and callousness.
Imagine a world controlled by people who look exactly like a human, but are definitely not authentic human beings. These people seem like everyday people, they wear the same clothes, they eat, breathe, smile, communicate and reproduce, but they are very, very different from the majority of humans on the planet. They cunningly hide among us pretending to be like us, copying the way we think and feel, but they are nothing like us, they are the personification of evil. They gather wealth like raindrops, leaving us lying parched and dying in the desert and at last, I can show how they herd humanity into their barren landscape.
Discover how soulless individuals masquerading as humans have corralled people into slavery for centuries. Learn how to recover your life from abuse and discover the people who revel in delivering this abuse. The following true story will give you the key to unlock the hidden world of the abusers of humanity and give you the tools to easily identify and negate them.
It is impossible for a normal, feeling human to believe that a mother could hate her daughter to the point of murder, reward the rapist of that daughter with cash, extravagant gifts, buy him houses, and have sex with him. It is nearly impossible for a normal human to believe the colossal untruths unleashed by religions, corporations and governments. The following pages give you the key to unlock the vault of knowledge available to you and reveal how these extraordinary events occur, the people who perpetrate incredible deception and abuse. The Key unlocks the secrets of social manipulation, misrepresentation and control.
This isn’t a science fiction novel, yet the answer to human enslavement is far more bizarre than any fiction writer could ever imagine. In fact, these pages will show how you are starring in the greatest horror movie ever made: right here, right now, even as you read these words. The world’s most immoral producers, directors and actors create the movie script you act out. This corrupted DNA screenplay passes blamelessly from generation to generation without the awareness of ordinary people.
As subtle as shaving with a chainsaw, this document is the shaft of sunlight to use on the emotional vampires that control you, both personally and socially. You are holding the flame to the stick of dynamite that will rattle the foundations of contemporary society. Allow yourself to be struck by the truth, not tortured with lies and claim the bountiful wealth and riches that are your true inheritance. Follow the true story of a young boy through rural Australia and discover the biggest secret your leaders have kept locked away for centuries.
This book is free; I received authentic richness no amount of money, gold or university degrees can ever buy, yet every real person can achieve. There are no subscriptions, hidden costs or obligations to join oblique religious movements. You are free to accept, reject or share the information at your leisure. Like the tree I planted when starting this document, all those years ago, the seed of understanding will be part of your incredible life journey. Provided your brain cells don’t pass out from shock, your world will become very exciting when you reach the end of this document.
You’ve bought your ticket, spent time wandering the airport terminal, now let’s roll this thing down the runway, go for throttle up and buckle up for the read of your life.