The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
Return to it, systematically.
If you won’t begin now – it would all be lost, forever.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
Book has been written to preserve the most important knowledge ever existing, by an anonymous
author. No liability is taken, as it’s done purposely for Him.
Forbidden is to take any medication, drug, vitamin, supplement or any other substance during the treatment,
#3: as it might result in your death. You must be at least 18 years old.
If you’re a woman: you need to ensure you’re not pregnant before and during the treatment as it might result in
a death, of the unborn child.
Certain conditions/ lack of particular body parts i.e. tissues, organs – may be a contradiction to the treatment,
as it might result in a dangerous responses and possibly even death.
There might be an error or a typo, therefore please always ensure to at least triple-check all that has been
established in the work – for all, of the information supplied. Please put your personal thought: to check very
precisely and from various sources, of whatever data is provided as it might be wrong/ potentially hazardous or
even deadly.
Always, at least quadruple check in two approaches – the dosage you’re using, as one mistake could result in
your death/ note: use immediately information, #3.29L. Be particularly very wary to the liquid form of any
substance used/ procedure is – as above. Understanding, that you might be possibly allergic/ have a serious
reactions, due to known & unknown reasons or a trace contamination of the specimen: causes, an always
obligatorily requirement for the usage of smallest possible product sample (as suggested: even smaller that a
minimal dose of it, #3.29A). Enabling yourself time – through the first few repeated dosages: to understand the
substance and the reaction of your body, is a necessity – as lack of it, might end in your painful death (e.g.
through suffocation in an allergic reaction).
You need to be always fully conscious of All, which you do – not being limited only to the treatment, but upon all
actions that you precede.
Be thankful for any experience that is brought upon to your reality and always search for an everlasting
improvement, understanding and development: sharing the useful knowledge and being helpful, by allowing
such understanding of others – that might not be so bright, the ones that are worthy of it. Be a guard of morality
at all cost and understand, that knowledge and understanding imposes on you a need for responsibility and the
highest morals which are required for the good of all. Therefore, it is only viable to make others match your
level of understanding and ever-existing pattern of morals, and to impose them either through a positive/
negative actions and consequences, that are superimposed on you – in a time of attaining them. Those on the
bottom: are the primary concern for all, as those are the people that should be brought to a higher level of
spirituality, due to their lack of incentive/ understanding and being fortunate as you, to have the right kind of
tools and circumstances to bring the change (those are people, that require help but in an open and helpful
manner, first in the queue).
Avoid at all cost, to impose on others your will by force, but instead show an example by your actions and
inspire, also by sharing – they might not be ready, in that time for change: although tell/ punish and avoid to
allow anyone – immoral behavior, even for the stake of taking damage by yourself and show always no-
tolerance upon such actions towards you or others. Provide and explain the rules that need to be followed by
any person that populates this realm of reality – density, for the stake of attaining the best, that can be received
and to His best for one’s self and all others in the sphere of their influences (µ, #1.1). It’s a moral duty, for any of the intellects who exist in this Universe.
Keep in mind, that you are the only one responsible for your actions and nobody can think or impose them on
you. It includes refraining and to deny any order or quote, with or without explanation of the cause – when it
might be sensed, as not true with your inner conscience or in the place of moral justification. You’re the only
one, that would be held accountable for your actions and you would suffer the consequences: without the need of
any law or persecution – caused by the work of those mechanisms implemented in this Creation, #1. It’s also
applicable to teaching others and showing them the consequences, of taking them – those actions which are
required by their superiors or people attached. Make sure: you would always take an action if only influenced,
even if such occurrence is probable – without the need of any evidence. Be wary of the people you attach
yourself with and choose only those who are contributing to your life in a positive manner (evil is such
consideration, always). However, be conscious to always be as yourself – living to your highest means and the
usage of your highest potential possible. It is your personal duty: to repay the debt you were born into this
World as due to your work and thought attached – increase the life of others and help them become the most
moral and most perfect people possible. It would cause the most, of what could be achieved and would bring to
your life only the best.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
Avoid to ever serve for the bad, as rewards and gains – without putting in: are only a mere illusion and
All would be lost in a very short amount of lifespan, bringing you the worst of possible – suffering and
everlasting condemnation, until the sins are cleared (which would last: possibly even extent the current lifetime
of unfounded and unmoral pain, that was brought by you or with your consent, allowance or part – upon
others). Morality in this world needs to be restored and it has already started now (all beliefs that are held by
people are mostly wrong and need to be resolved, changed in All that are living here within this World – it’s all
achieved due to constant education and everlasting imposing of the universal rules by All of people, who are
holding the knowledge of Moral Laws, #1).
All, if not told otherwise – was tested extensively: in various doses and the treatment has been completed.
Therefore the process here contained, is safe and 100% verified. It’s the highest truth, which revealing has been
permitted to better the human race – starting from you, now.
The book features nearly all unknown secrets. Cracks in 100% nearly all topic of importance to
you, like.
100% Health cracked,
100% Universal Laws (operating here cracked, how to take advantage),
In 100% describes Biblical Law of Jesus Christ which operates in this reality and leads
to receiving everything that you want IN YOUR LIFE (if only followed),
100% Seduction cracked (partnerships, how to seduce successfully a woman, how YOU
can get a woman),
100% cracks stock market,
describes Illuminati thread (our situation, causality etc.),
and many more...
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The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
Even if the author would die or be killed, He would be brought back to the world of living.
Impose morality upon others, as there is nothing – that could hold you back (your life would be
spared and saved, by an invisible Laws and you would live as there is always a way out of the
immoral – even if it is impossible: it would be created and your only task is to put an active efforts
into executing what has to be done). When those immoral actions are performed and caused upon
others – to always act (you have been selected as a person to conquer your highest fears, to put
your contribution and clear the debt you were born here with, by changing your human nature
and by passing the way of enlightenment). Avoid to be dreaded by making mistakes – there are a
part of the process: intentions and being true with the higher actions of conscience only do matter,
so let go forever the idea of being poisoned by those doubts and bring morality, understanding
and justice upon All, who are present in your reality. Fear is your greatest enemy, which holds
people back and allows the sickness of immorality to spread upon the others, like a virus
that is destroying all of what exists. #1
Dedicated only to Universal Intellect from your best and servile servant soldier, ever existing.
There is nothing so perfect to please you, so I give to You this humble piece of work to express my
Love that is shared by you, for all the things I was able to learn, experience and receive in your
Excellent creation. I regret for all the wrong I have done and please to Thank You for all, with the
undertaking of the highest perfection to live up to – following the rules You have set as you have
given me life, which the highest-prized gift that can’t be ever paid.
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
What you would do, if somebody would at the present moment – tell
you, that you would achieve everything that you truly desire: money,
health, happiness, fullness in life and fulfillment – if you would only
invest a 5-year time of your life, on reading – understanding and full
implementation of the knowledge here contained. It is absolutely
Sacred knowledge, available and used only by the most powerful. The
one, which is unavailable for a mere mortal, as it holds the key to
everything that is important. Knowledge, the most important in this
world. Its usage grants, that maximum power is achieved, available to
the people populating this Universe.
Mechanisms that rule this realm have been all disassembled to the
first elements and based on this understanding: a system has been
developed that implies the most powerful and maximum usage of the
Laws present – for people who understood it and use in a certain way,
making it all a natural process.
It is a knowledge, which possessing and appliance causes
achievement of everything, which is desired. Based on your personal
work, that needs to be invested mostly on the beginning and which
does not involve the usage of any entities from the other dimensions
as it is forbidden. It uses Laws, that perform in this reality –
independently and which govern this Universe to be developed with
the intentions of the Universal Intellect, although it is associated with
only maximizing the results of those Laws by understanding of all
that is to be and by acting with certainties that are pointed, giving the
most prolific effects and to produce the best results, ever possible.
Would you take your time and do whatever is necessary to completely
change your life, as you have dreamed of? Would you take this
challenge or refuse it. It is guaranteed, for all – independent of any
other reasons, as we are All the One and Laws are the same for
everyone. Understanding is the key to achievement, but the work
performed and the actions taken: are the necessity, which show
results. Have you already made your choice?
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
The Most Important Knowledge
You would Ever Read
Implement and Live up to
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever
v1.01. FINAL VERSION / see page 103: in book
You can always download, the latest copy1 at:
/ updated: 2014-02-17 (for free).
Anonymous author.
1 DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) & hacker attacks are probable/ look elsewhere for its original sources if not available (verify the #md5 hash).
The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever