The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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Clean the dish and put in it – the next food for soak (left it best: above your head to decrease

the chances of accidental contamination). Soak for the period, remove the water/ eat later.


When a seed or grain is activated – it starts to produce in abundance all the vitamins needed,

keeping the most valuable nutrients. Sprouts are the best source of vitamins and minerals (also being the most cost-effective). Eating them, is required: to Live a healthy lifestyle.

Organic (BIO) seeds514 can only be used for the purpose of sprouting.

E Soak in a cold water: handful of chosen seeds/ grains for the time supplied in tables above.


Pour of the water and place them in a sprout

UD device515 (to have an abundant flow of air, in a mid-


shade with access to light).


Leave them there and pour water on: at least once


every 24 hours for best results. Let it drain

completely off.

Wait until sprouts would be ready for the

consumption (usually when two leaves are visible or

the sprout reaches at least the same length as seed,

like in a case of wheat).

Collect them and place to the fridge. Eat them up to

the next 7 days.

Example of foods to sprout are in the tables above (most commonly: lentils, hard winter wheat, alfalfa,

broccoli, clover and beans like adzuki or mung). Forbidden is to sprout toxic foods like potatoes,

tomatoes and other mentioned before. Sprouting seeds releases all the inhibitors and harmful substances

that might be present, in the original seed/ grain.

512 Boil times are adjusted to it – use always a steel pot with water, only/ forbidden is to use any pressure cooker.

513 Excluding little grains like amaranth and quinoa seeds.

514 They’ve might be used directly from the organic-packages of food or bought separately as BIO – if they’re not

available, in bulk.

515 It might be a simple tray, bowl or a jar (a solution with holes is often used).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Food poisonings are very dangerous, as they tend to damage the internal organs – cause a delayed

periods of unrest and feeling unwell. The last might also lead to death over time. They need to be taken

very seriously: to ensure your well-being and it’s always best to resign from eating spoiled/ partially-

spoiled foods – than to suffer the consequences of having not.

If you’re preparing any animal-derived products: absolute hygiene is required to avoid parasitic and

bacterial infections (invisible to the naked eye embryos are present/ or bacteria and after ingestion: they

cause significant health decay over time which results in laziness, having less energy, loss of vigor and

clean thinking etc. or the probable poisoning in case of bacteria). Any used meats should be best, tested.

Understand that under-cooking meats, i.e. particularly venison (caught wild, untested) creates a

possibility of parasitic infection that may lead to your death in a very short period. Beware with all the

raw animal products.



Avoid, at ALL cost:







foods that don’t look or smell fresh,


meats exposed to temperature,


packing’s that are damaged/ tins that are bulged,


burned foods,

, IM




and any which have any sort of fungus, mold etc.



BM FO All, to ensure your safety (if something is suspicious – it’s better to throw it out).




You should always eat only what’s certified organic (BIO) and avoid to eat anywhere


and anything: that isn’t sealed or prepared by you (with the special care of meats).

Even, if it means a short-term starvation, #3.1.

Meats (defrosted) need to be cooked very thoroughly for 40 minutes at the boiling point as

required minimum (if oven is used: it’s dependable on many variables – the last should be

soft within the bones when the fork is entered, until the juices run clear). Handling, requires

to wash hands every time when anything except them – is touched, using separate vessels &

cutting desks for any of the meats to avoid cross-contamination (serving it only on a separate

plate where no raw meat was previously held). Make sure you would always prevent meats/

animal-derived foods from dripping any juices onto/ getting in contact with any of the other

foods (keeping them separate and sealed, always).

Eggs should be handled the same way: outer layers rinsed before putting them to boiling

water and hands always washed after touching them every time. They should be cooked until

one or two shells, would crack.

Limit your contacts with the body fluids of other people, e.g. refuse to drink from the same

vessel after anyone or to take a partially-eaten food from anybody as to restrict your

exposure. Keep any animals in a separate place from your living space or home. Wash your

hands often with hot water and grey soap/ or 10% vinegar solution: especially after toilet and

before & after handling any foods.

All dry seeds/ foods should be stored below 20°C/ 68F in a cool, dry place ( up to 40°C/ 136F

for nuts: when you want to dry them/ i.e. on Sun). If it’s warm outside or you’re unable to

keep the temperature at this level – put them to fridge when opened, until consumed.

Be very wary when it comes to eating organic foods: where they might contain other foods in

the package (for instance: when in chickpeas packing – you might find beans). They might be

GMO516 varieties, as containers which were shipped overseas – might not be cleaned

sufficiently. Return such product to the supplier and ask for a refund or either take the risk of

removing them manually before cooking. Be very cautious.

In case of suspicion poisoning – always perform the procedure, #3.29L immediately (from

the very same reason: finish your last meal, in every instance – at least an hour or more

before going sleep).

516 Select only products which have: all-ingredients organic – in them (i.e. in a case of chocolate – time to time, etc.).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

If you still don’t get why you must to buy organic foods, to stay healthy – know, that any food in

nature has to protect itself from various types of dangers i.e. fungi, viruses, parasites: so it

produces in abundance – natural substances, which ensure its survival in the constant war of

adaptation. Those, which are sprayed by potent chemical pesticides – don’t have the need, to create

such natural anti-fungal agents or any other types of defenses, as it’s done for them. Lack of those

elements in foods: causes your body to suffer, because they’re required to prevent diseases. For instance

an epidemic of cancer have spread: when pesticides were started to be used on a mass scale.

You won’t know the dangers of the last, unless you’ve been p oisoned severely by them and lived

through the experience – they’re deadly. It’s psychical, to use something on a food which: on contact –

might kill you. Not only you’re ingesting potent poisons, which intoxicate517 your body but they also

h ammer flora in your gut, which is responsible for your wonderful518 mood. When organic food enters

your body, moves through the intestine: bacteria start to produce in abundance feel-good

hormones of happiness, well-being and it provides you with the nutrients. Those foods which look

‘ideal’ or ‘best’ on the shelves are unworthy, because they contain low levels if any at all virtually none,

of those natural substances: which they’ve had to synthesize to prevent from being eaten e.g. by fungi –

they attribute to 0.

Besides, GMO’s519 which are proven deadly – are introduced on the shelves, so you won’t probably ever

know if you won’t focus on your body reactions, which can follow up to 5-7 hours after ingestion or

more. It’s a food/ including traditional520 with the use of pesticides: not aimed for human consumption

but it would be known only to those, who eat521 all-organic only. Those who didn’t learned it and

adapted – would die, in result. Next time, when you would see an organic apple: attacked by fungi522 –

look at it, from another angle/ with this523 understanding.

517 Traditional food, raised with the use of pesticides: is a ‘substitute of food’/ if it even can be called this term.

518 When your intestines are cleaned, #3.3 & 3.2B: Third stage and flora restored: you feel an immense happiness because you’ve eaten raw food ( only valid to organic-foods).

519 Keep it a hidden-secret: threat in GMO’s is mostly present in the chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides used on the plant itself which no traditional crop would survive – it’s all, it can be revealed.

520 Either way: it’s best to eat e.g. 1 organic fruit or vegetable, than 2 traditional – valueless and poisoned by pesticides or to die from eating a GMO-variety/ forever.

521 Why you would die if you decide to continue eat non-organic foods? It’s hard to tell whether the food is pesticide-

infested or GMO: based solely on looks – you have to buy it but it even then it’s a risk (over 70% of popular crops have been already modified: to be introduced or available at the moment on the market shelves/ being embedded secretly as

ingredients, in most of the processed foods).

Know also deeply one truth: “unless a product carries organic certification, no GMO-Free claim can be made”.

522 Cut off always only a layer of affected areas i.e. on an apple or any other vegetable, fruit/ those beneficial compounds: would be embedded across the whole food, 100% organic-only.

523 You have to know one thing: it’s not whether you would live or not – eating traditional crops (with the use of

pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, etc.): but about the quality of Living/ life (which is only possible to be experienced, by selecting only all 100% organic foods). If you eat GMO-foods: you die, in time. Either way: in the current times –

you’re likely to die, if you won’t select 100% organic.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Look at the below table.





/ pesticide-infested

/ most: with embedded pesticides

Χ / no pesticides i.e. poisons

Valuable foods as they’ve had to

Worthless piece of poison (even if

fight for survival against fungi,

Deadly piece of poison (it can’t be

they’re washed – they still retain

viruses, bacteria, parasites and


it, in the product).

because of it: they contain elements

required to prevent diseases.

You’re likely to die due to diseases

You die due to ingestion of this

You Live, are happy.

as body doesn’t has the required: to

food, because pesticides kill you/

prevent and fight them (only found

cause many ailments, diseases

in organic foods).

which would kill you in result.

You feel not as on the organic-

You suffer (i.e. nausea, pains,

foods diet, without knowing it/

infertility – usually which appear

worse, much worse. You loose your

after a time delay/ like 4-5 hours or

life satisfaction, happiness, great

to be even a result of poisoning by

mood (because your flora in the gut

this food – you develop diseases).

is hammered by potent pesticides).

You die.

Picture showing lab rats, who were fed by

GMO’s (corn): they’ve developed cancers

size of your entire belly/ the rest, died

‘before the photo524 was taken’.

You’re taking an enormous risk by eating

anything that isn’t pure 100% organic

product (unknown diseases and

conditions, including immediate deaths

are a result of genetic modifications).

In result: you’re experiencing it on the level of your mood, well-being due to what you eat: all the time/ switch to 100% organic foods to feel the difference (only after completion of the, #3).

Test always new foods, by applying procedure #3.29A. It’s obligatory.

Let always the hunger be your greatest cook.

524 Off-spring of those who survived: became completely infertile (sterile) in the 2nd generation/ in other tests (with

decreased amounts of GM-foods). It means: a permanent loss of your genes/ i.e. of those who are less thoughtful.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Costs are minimal. First meal is always light: to be consumed fast – for you to save valuable time

morning. You typically want to work at your best always and initial hours are crucial, so only raw is

allowed as ‘eaten mind is lazy mind’ (meal from previous day is still being processed, so you would

have the energy needed). After you would be coming from the job – you would have either a choice to

cook 300g/ 10.58oz or 400g/ 14.1oz/ even 500g/ 17.7oz portion of the – very last meal525 (also animal-

derived foods must be consumed last due to time of processing). To each diet, you can additionally add

a serving of raw nuts, fruits or vegetables. It would keep you at your best.

1) 1| ½ cup of raw broccoli sprouts BIO or ½ cup (250ml glass) of raw wheat sprouts BIO,

2 150g/ 5.29oz of raw carrots BIO or 10 small/ medium radishes BIO/

mango BIO or passion fruit BIO,

3 400g/ 14.1oz of wheat (winter) BIO or spelt (wheat) BIO [soaked 7h before, cooked 45m]/

Atlantic mackerel, smoked 280g/ 9.88oz or tuna light 270g/ 9.52oz (up to 2-4, 7 such portions

per month, due to mercury levels in fish).

2) 1| ½ cup of raw alfalfa (lucerne) sprouts BIO or ½ cup of raw radish sprouts BIO,

2 3-4 medium raw apples BIO or 1 medium avocado BIO/

grapes BIO or plums BIO,

3 2 tbsp. of molasses BIO or 1 brazil nut BIO,

4 300g/ 10.58oz of chickpeas BIO [12h soak/ 45 minute cook time] or 250g curd/ cheese BIO/

400g/ 14.1oz of wheat kamut (durum) BIO [7h S, 45m C] or brown rice BIO [8h S/ 30m C].

3) 1 2 tablespoonful of raw hemp seeds BIO or 2 tbsp. of raw sesame seeds BIO [8h S],

2 350g/ 12.35oz of cooked broccoli BIO or 1 big chinese Pak Choi (Bok Choi) cabbage BIO,

3 3 mid-size tomatoes BIO or 3 mid-size peppers BIO (once a month526 can be consumed)/

pineapple BIO or kiwifruits BIO,

4 300g/ 10.6oz of barley seed BIO [6-8h S/ 30m C] or kidney beans BIO [12h S/ 45m C]/

300g/ 10.58oz of pea, not-split BIO [12h S/ 70m C] or 1.8l/ 60.9 fl. oz. of raw cow milk BIO.

4) 1 1 tbsp. of raw pumpkin seeds BIO [8h S!] or 1 tbsp. of raw sunflower seeds BIO [2h S!],

2 350g/ 12.35oz of raw white cabbage non-soured BIO or beets BIO (cooked)/

grapefruit BIO or peaches BIO,

3 300g/ 10.58oz of mung beans BIO or adzuki beans BIO [12h S/ 25m C] & himalayan salt/

400g/ 14.1oz of natural long-grained rice (gluten-free) BIO or white rice BIO [8h S/ 25m C].

5) 1 2 heads of raw garlic BIO or 1 raw onion BIO (e.g. a Sunday diet, when you stay home),

2 350g/ 12.35oz of raw cauliflower BIO or 1 big chinese cabbage BIO/

pomegranate BIO or dates BIO,

3 300g/ 10.58oz white beans BIO or black beans BIO [12h S/ 45m C]/

400g/ 14.1oz of green lentils BIO [8h S/ 17m C] or popcorn on occasion (corn) BIO [~10m C].

6) 1 1 medium/ small raw romaine lettuce BIO or 1 medium/ small raw iceberg lettuce BIO,

2 1 double-handfull of shelled walnuts BIO [4h S!] or 100g/ 3.53oz of roasted pistachios BIO/

oranges BIO or papaya BIO,

3 300g/ 10.58oz of millet BIO [8h S/ 11m or 14m C] or oat seeds BIO [6h S/ 30m C]/

400g/ 14.1oz of buckwheat BIO [20-45m max. S/ 20m C] or jasmine rice BIO [8h S/ 30m C].

7) 1 350g/ 12.35oz of raw bananas BIO or peaches BIO,

2 50g/ 1.76oz of raw acacia honey BIO or maple syrup BIO/

raisins BIO or figs BIO,

3 300g/ 10.58oz of amaranth seeds BIO [3-6h S/ 10m or 15m C] or quinoa BIO [2h S/ 15m C]/

400g/ 14.1oz of basmati rice whole meal (gluten-free) BIO or black rice BIO [8h S/ 25m C].

(S stands for Soak, C for Cook)/ raw milk of cow527 consists a part of nearly everyday diet

525 It can be split on two portions, but it’s always best – to use only one.

526 They’re addictive because they contain nicotine – a potent alkaloid. If you fear addiction – avoid to try even once.

527 As last meal, before the sleep/ milk availability, might vary out of season.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Best is however to limit yourself only: to 1 single portion of 300g/ 10.58oz or 400g/ 14.1oz cooked

food daily. Diet is affordable and it secures your health. You must eat ALL organic, all times.

You can up the doses to e.g. 400g/ 14.1oz and 500g/ 17.7oz portions or more if you feel only the need.

It’s safe to eat such portions of cooked foods/& even beyond. You must buy always ALL organic

foods and be at least few months on such diet after starvation, to experience its advantages: to

create the habit of eating this way everyday – to your greatest benefit.

Health is an area, which should be taken very seriously as it allows you to increase your earning

ability and rules the whole Life experience (to be believed or not).


#1. Buy organic foods now – make the same or similar order as below.





Below are two sample orders from the online BIO/ organic food shops (over month up to 2,

BY supplies each – for dry products):





Wheat winter, grain BIO 6000g/ 212oz


Sunflower, peeled BIO 1750g/ 62oz



Rice natural long-grained gluten-free BIO 3000g/ 106oz



Rice brown long-grained BIO 3000g/ 106oz


Adzuki beans BIO 3000g/ 106oz


Mung beans528 BIO 3000g/ 106oz

Lentils green gluten-free BIO 3000g/ 106oz

Pea green BIO 3000g/ 106oz


Chickpeas gluten-free BIO 3000g/ 106oz



Spelt grain BIO 3000g/ 106oz


Pumpkin seeds dark-green BIO 350g/ 12oz


Amaranth grain BIO 3000g/ 106oz


White beans BIO 3000g/ 106oz