The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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To the mixture add 20 drops of Goldenrod ( Solidago virgaurea, Extra Strong;

perform #3.29A first: if allergic – skip the substance) and optionally, but best: 4

drops of Hydrochloric Acid, HCL 5% to sterilize.

If you’ve got any troubles drinking the mixture: limit the Goldenrod drops to 5-7 or

less at first and test. If the problem still persists: decrease the amount to ½ of the cup

and use up to ¼ cup or slightly more of cooked parsley tops water.

Use Uva Ursi ( Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, 500mg/ caps.), 1 caps. for the first three days only: if

the pain588 appears (being strictly limited up to five days straight with this dose, up to five times

a year). Supplement Ginger ( Zingiber officinale, 450mg/ caps.) 1 caps. – 3 times a day in equal

time. Introduction of new diet prepared with the guidelines supplied, #3.21 and the need for

clean water, #3.22 & calcium in the form of raw milk/ #3.98A: to stop the formation of new

stones or drastically limit it, exists (the last includes also staying away from any drugs, #2.2 or

pharmaceuticals which might contribute significantly to the process/ #3.24).

Avoid to overdose the mixture, as it might cause pain and pressure on the bladder – use a new dose for

the next morning after, if not consumed fully.



Forbidden is to mix any cleanses. However this one might be possibly, in theory mixed with the cleanses

that follow (up to the point of stricte, #3.8A)/ not tested – might violate the safety measures.

587 Cup = 250ml glass.

588 If the last would be present – use/ drink once or few times daily: ½ of cup of freshly pressed organic lemon juice.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


You would vomit for the first few589 times (as the load of the toxic waste caused by the substance can’t

be possibly discarded in any other way by the body).

E Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) – Sodium Chlorite 28%590 is to be used on an empty


stomach: in a starting dosage of 5 drops poured into 1/10 cup of freshly-pressed lemon juice/ use

UC organic fruit, only – to wait for 3 minutes, until the substance becomes activated. Then, add

EX water to the rest of cup and drink it all – in the fastest way, up to the last sip/ drink it up to max.


15 minutes if delayed. Follow it, by ingesting 0.25-0.4 liter/ 8.45-13.53 ounce of water.

Repeat the above 3, 4-6 times a day in equal time (or until a vomit per day – it only happens for

the first couple uses): increasing the number of drops gradually. It’s forbidden to eat an hour

before and one and a half after, being continued only for 3-4 days straight (taking the same

amount of time for a break): to the point of reaching one-time dosage of 11-14 drops at least

three times in a row, without having any nausea (if the last extends greatly over a period of

month: you’ve might be a cancer sufferer, #3.95A). The last, accompanied by other symptoms

like e.g. diarrhea: indicate that the harmful pathogens have been destroyed in your body.

It’s completely safe to use – it’s a mineral, being the most powerful591 substance and the best (with ozone592) in existence. Load of the body is decreased significantly and it’s felt immensely.

Ignore the smell & the taste.

Your health would drastically improve.



Use maintenance dose of 7 to 14 drops each week or two after completion of the treatment.

589 This substance contrary to the rest: can be used before any cleanse.

590 Keep the substance in a cool, dry place with no access to light – best, wrapped in a dark foil. It can be used safely, up to 3 years after the expiry date – as the concentration of the active substance drops only.

591 It’s used even to annihilate diseases like Malaria/ which it does – nearly instantly.

592 / #3.2B: Stage five.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


It’s obligatory: to complete previous cleanses before taking this one.

Ensure that you’ve removed any amalgams (material of ‘silver’

tooth fillings in mouth): before you would engage (see the picture

on right). If such is done – wait for three months until you can start

this cleanse as it’s absolutely forbidden593 to begin without doing it.

Chelation is a procedure quite challenging, but the benefits to be

experienced far outweigh the possible hardship required to pass it (effects are usually far beyond, what

is thought to be possibly achieved due to it).

E In the period of cleanse: increase the selenium dosages by using 1 raw brazil nut BIO/ every


second day and implement the organic diet, #3.21 – see sample ones/ eat an extended amount of

UC raw fruits, vegetables and portions of cooked foods, of 300g/ 10.58oz and 400g/ 14.1oz. Use

EX additionally 1 double-handfull of raw, shelled walnuts BIO at least three times weekly (all594


foods, must be prepared along the guidelines – soaked and/ or cooked before use).

Your body would tell you – what’s required, by creating an appropriate desires.

It’s essential to pass the process, successfully.


It’s a very easy procedure which involves eating certain food, three or four consecutive days with one

day break – to repeat the process again.

E Begin, with the doses of 150-200g of food – usually, up to the first 3kg/ 6.61lbs or 5kg/


11.02lbs: Mung beans BIO and build it to a single-time max dose of 350-400g/ 12.35-14.1oz –

UC limiting yourself595 to it. Each such portion of food once, every 36 hours or more (it’s required to

EX put it for soak on 12 hours, before cooking for 25 minutes – #3.21).


You’re required to eat at least, min. 35-70kg/ 77-154lbs596 of it – with 45kg/ 99lbs as a


Add raw Wild, bear garlic BIO in a separate meals when not used the above and eat 50g/

1.76oz of it, in this period (a single pinch, each time – min. 36h after the last Mung beans dose).

Make it: a part of your diet after ending of the treatment – it’s obligatory.


/ It’s advised to start this cleanse with the #3.8A: stricte diet, but refraining only: to the diet itself without the use of, #3.82 herbs & the weekly portion of eggs (adding only Mung beans and wild –

bear garlic, to it – it won’t be the powerful, complete cleanse but would speed up the process).

If you think that – it’s too much for your body/ for you: execute this cleanse solely.

Then, after its completion: begin, the real heavy metal cleanse (it can be also combined with, the

#3.81A stricte diet but skipping the #3.82 herbs). Keep forcibly the regime/ i.e. strict discipline.

593 It’s dangerous for the body & you and possesses risks if those mercury fillings are present/ remove them first.

594 BIO/ organic foods are only allowed for the consumption – anywhere, in the treatment.

595 Up to 0.5kg/ 1.1lb at once max: only after consuming at least 25kg/ & solely: if the lower doses are tolerated.

596 Continual usage, is required – even if nothing is felt to be pulled, from the body.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

THE REAL CLEANSE/ to be executed only, when eaten dosages from the previous.

It’s forbidden to mix any substances/ i.e. #3.82 herbs: with this one. Be very cautious when dosing the

herbs mentioned – verify & check them twice before the usage.

E Begin by using 1-2 single doses, split equally in time – in the lowest amount597 of 1g, each time.


Use Chlorella pyrenoidosa BIO on empty stomach – only when hungry and precisely after

UC 30 minutes from the ingestion of compressed tablets of this food: eat a meal.



Proceed to 3 doses a day, of 1g – if only tolerated and then the next day, only once – daily:

increase the dose by 0.4-0.5g/ staying on such increased dose, to the end of it. If the

detoxification reactions: which would follow – would be too heavy, skip the dose to the end of

the day and stay on the last used dose. Take breaks, when necessary – and always after come

back: build the dose progressively, the same way/ as a safety measure.


When you would reach the dose of min. 14g/ day: introduce Cilantro Tincture BIO the next

day. Use chlorella in a dose of 3g, wait 30 minutes – add 1 drop of Cilantro to the water,

drink it and after 3 minutes: eat a meal (it’s a very dangerous herb when overdosed as it

might destroy598 your brain, so put an extra pressure to measure it right). Increase the dose,

if only tolerated – next day by 1 drop, used only once & end the day. Then, use it twice daily – 2

drops, 2 times a day: if only tolerated. You’re required to build the dose to 10 drops taken – 3

times a day, to be always taken with the min. 3g dose of chlorella every, each time. It can be

used up to a week time, with 3-weeks off in the initial phrase after each cycle/ where you stay on

the chlorella, alone (to be limited to 2-weeks off, later).

/ Consume at least 1kg/ 2.2lbs of Chlorella pyrenoidosa BIO & 60ml/ 2oz of Cilantro

Tincture BIO (re-supply).

Used dosages, might be high – but they’re required to clean everything, fully.

This cleanse, is of fundamental importance and absolutely essential for your perfect health.

Perform it, completely.

/ If you’ve decided to perform the heavy metal cleanse with the #3.8A diet: forbidden is for you to go

beyond599 this chapter/ paragraph. It’s a safety measure – to ensure your most prolific, best progress.


Population of the inner organism sickness retreats, #3.8: when the heavy metals are removed from the

body/ becoming possible for the overgrowth to be annihilated completely.

597 1g ~ 0.035oz.

598 It’s dependent of the mercury levels, accumulated.

599 Just end on #3.8A/ it.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Your intestines are inhabited by a microorganism: which role is to process simple carbohydrates/ sugars

into energy. The last is however an opportunists, which take every chance to rise and grow completely

over your whole body. It also pollutes it, by the products of its metabolism which loads the immune

system: causing variety of unrelated symptoms and diseases. For instance, if the overgrowth would

enter/ occur in your nose – you’ve got it blocked, your anus – you’ve got hemorrhoids, swelling and

pain etc. Low energy, bad mood and ALL the other symptoms, are virtually a response of the loaded

immune, which is overtaken by the work it has to perform, by expelling toxins and waste products this

microorganism produces when its population in the body is high. When the last, is overgrown

completely or mostly, by it – the same microorganism attacks organs, which are crucial to sustain life –

your immune responds, by resorting to last line of defense which is cell division, called cancer.

Test yourself. To assess, how much you’re affected – take tomorrow early morning, a first spit of the

whole saliva contents and pour it into a cup of water: if anything would retain in it, not being diluted and

crystal clear – you’re severely overgrown.

Another indicator is your own tongue – if it’s not purely juicy red on the whole track of it: you’re

severely overgrown/ any violet, white patches on it – mean inner organism sickness.

Look, at the picture above – white spots, particularly visible in the top and middle of the tongue and any

darker areas, are those affected: redness is only on the edges, which is clearly visible (it’s all – only an

indicator, of how the whole body is overgrown by this microorganism/ visit official website of the book

mentioned in first pages: for original picture in color). The tongue, should be juicy red on its all track to

be clear of the overgrowth – now go to mirror and assess your level of infection.


The treatment is safe: if the guidelines are followed (it’s the only effective way to eradicate this

microorganism – all the others, fail miserably). In the direct sense: those who reduced its overgrowth

have won back their youth – dramatically increased their energy levels and well-being, cleared ALL the remaining symptoms/ ailments – protecting themselves, against cancer.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

3.81. DIET

A special diet, is absolutely required to kill effectively this microorganism. Forbidden, is to touch

anything which isn’t on it, as this would supply the fuel to its growth (i.e. the simple carbohydrates –

sugars/ and processed foods) and about a 3-week time would be required to get back to the moment, left.

When the last would be dying – it will release toxins which would cause you to feel weak,

experience flu-like symptoms (fatigue – feeling of sickness and intoxication). It’s expected.


Know, that you’re on this diet for a limited amount of time – until the overgrowth would be significantly

reduced, so embrace it. It would be brought to you, that you’re only restricted to it.

E Eat only, cooked: ALL meats i.e. chicken (which includes all fish, i.e. mackerel, tuna –


mercury limits their usage), cheese (to 0.1g simple carbohydrates – sugars, type-only600),

UC millet, oats ( not rolled/ not crushed: full grain!), adzuki & olive oil (raw). As spices, use: EX pinch of black pepper, unrefined salt (all prepared or used, along the #3.21 guidelines).


Sprouts of lentils, alfalfa, winter wheat, adzuki & red – kidney beans might be supplemented.


You eat them everyday, all-time without any exceptions (decay of the microorganism would

follow three weeks, after starting it). An example diet, might include.

Half a cup/ 250ml glass of sprouted raw lentils or winter wheat,

400g/ 14.1oz of oats (6h soaked, 30m cooked) or adzuki (12h s., 25m or 30m cooked),

200g/ 7.05oz of cheese or millet (8h s., 11 or 14m cooked),

260g/ 9.17oz of tuna or 200g/ 7.05oz of chicken.

Continue it, up to a 1-1.5 (for best results)601 month, straight – then, switch on a light diet

for a period, to come back to it. Add602 once a week, to it: 6 chicken cooked or scrambled603

eggs/ as needed – it’s although recommended to add only them for your survival. If you’re

struggling604 – you can add time-to-time: brown rice (8h s., 30m cooked), buckwheat (20-45m s.

max, 20m cooked – used, less often) & wheat – winter (7h s., 45m cooked).

Up to 6, 14 months straight: follow the stricte diet, then – switch to the usual diet, where

you can eat what you want – limiting yourself only the unrestricted sugars (simple

carbohydrates) intake – for at least 3 months, to rebuild the reserves.

In the moment of need, use the light diet and stay on it – until you’re ready to continue the ‘stricte’ diet,

again (to the point, where your tongue would turn red – being confirmed by the morning spit of saliva,

which would dilute itself in the water, nearly completely). Eradicate it, as fast as possible – do it

right, the first time/ notice: certain foods might only be eaten cooked or sprouted in the above diet.


You’ve might get an impression that the cleanse is punishing for the body, but actually the last has got

compensating mechanisms which allow it to function quite well, destroying the inner organism sickness

in the meantime – the last is starved due to lack of food it uses and decays. If for any reason you think –

you shouldn’t continue this diet: switch to the light one – where it would take longer, but would be even

much easier to finish cleanse – including the usage of powerful herbs (not recommended).

600 If unsure/ no data on the product – skip, immediately/ has to have on the label – carbohydrates: 0.1g.

601 If during the above diet, would appear – a very painful, intense and very long-lasting heartburn: eat few apples and

revert to light diet, immediately/ if the herbs are used, #3.82: it’s usually – easy to pass the stricte diet (withstand).

602 Skip this food completely, if you only handle this diet: for best results/ it acts, as a support to complete it.

603 Use organic olive oil, only/ in the stricte diet: consumption of eggs, brown rice, buckwheat and winter wheat is

forbidden for those with cancer, #3.95A (one portion 300g/ 10.58oz of one of them: of choice – a week, at max.).

The above are also forbidden: if you’re being on a heavy metal cleanse/ for both variations, of the last.

604 If only: unable to complete it, without// it would be less & take more time to eradicate the overgrowth, when so.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

3.82B. LIGHT

If you would brake the first time, fast – make sure you limit yourself only to eating ALL organic sources

of sugar. However, insure – it won’t repeat itself the next time, as perfect health: is the most important

for you now and regaining all the lost.

Stay on the previous diet, for longer periods – extend them, it’s perfectly viable for you.


Those sugar/ ‘sweet’ desires, would pass away – in time, when the population of the inner organism

sickness would be significantly reduced, so it’s only ALL temporary. Use the below products from the

list only, as your transition diet – which would enable you to return, to the previous one. If you solely decide that something not from the restricted list, is to be eaten: limit yourself to doing it only

once (note: if cancer is present, #3.95A – it’s forbidden). Be on the light diet to a point of need, however

usually no more than up to 2, 3-4 or 14-21 days (despite, up to three days time is recommended or either

a full, one week).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever











Navy beans




Lentils (Green)


Snow peas


Black-eyed pea
