The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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  • Hindu scriptures describe Moksha as Spiritual Liberation from the continuous cycle of death and rebirth, and attainment of an eternal and blissful state that transcends all of the sufferings of the physical body.
  • About 4000 years ago when the Hindu Faith was known as Sanatana Dharma, people accepted Moksha as the Ultimate Goal of life.
  • It is said that in ancient times, spiritual messages were intuitively received by certain blessed believers or saints from the Creator, who then passed on these messages by word of mouth, to the next generations.
  • These spiritual revelations were received by the sages of original Hindu Faith directly from God. Of these messagesimg12.png four principal statements, form the essence of the Vedas and are known as the Mahavakyas. They are :
  • Tat Tvam Asi - "Thou art That," – you are not this body or this mind. You are that- the Divine Soul.
  • Ayam Atma Brahma - This soul is God. Since we are not the body, nor are we the mind, what are we? We are the soul. The Soul is nothing but a manifestation of the Divine.
  • Prajnanam Brahma – Everything on earth is a manifestation of God. My soul is Divine, your soul is Divine, there is Divinity everywhere, in everything.
  • Aham Brahma Asmi - "I am the Divine." Since I am not the ego, the mind, the body, then I am nothing other than the Soul, I am Divinity itself. I am nothing but a manifestation of the Divine.
  • These four principal statements of the Upanishads are the essence of the Vedas, the crux of the 5000-year-old Hindu Faith. They summarise the entire belief of our life purpose. We are not this mortal body, nor are we the mind, we are the Soul which is the manifestation of the Divine.
  • Yoga is a very important step on the path towards attaining Moksha. Real Yoga is not just physical exercise or breathing techniques, but a Union with the Divine. There are 4 ways to live a Yogic Life, through meditation Dhyaana Yoga, action Karma Yoga, devotionimg12.pngBhakti Yoga, and education Gyaana Yoga.
  • Moksha prescribes four doors that one should pass through before one is ready to start their journey of freedom. These four doors are: Discrimination, Dispassion or Detachment, Discipline of body and mind, Desire for the Divine and Liberation.
  • The sages who lived 4000-5000 years ago were the true sages of the original Hindu Faith, Sanatana Dharma. With time, Hindu Faith diluted to the current form of rituals and superstitions and this made Hinduism lose focus on the core philosophy and the belief system of the Upanishads.