The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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  • While Moksha and Nirvana are the concepts that existed centuries ago in ancient civilizations, the most recent term which helps us to understand the Ultimate Goal of life - Peace and Happiness by attaining Liberation from misery and sorrow, is 'Enlightenment'.
  • People across the world, belonging to various religions spanning through the continents, were still miserable and religion told them to pray to God to be liberated from misery and sorrow.
  • While they tried to do so, education evolved and people started wondering as to how there can be so many Gods and where could heaven and hell possibly be.
  • Thus, came about the belief that Liberation from misery and sorrow will come from Enlightenment by getting awakened to the Truth.
  • In the western world, the concept of 'Spiritual Enlightenment' came about. To understand that, one needs to have a fair idea about what exactly was taking place around the globe that resulted in the dilution of original faiths and the emergence of the ambiguous and questionable forms of various religious practices.
  • All the ancient world religions tell us that people were tired of religions that promoted myth, followedimg12.pngrituals and superstitions. As the world evolved, people started asking questions to know the truth.
  • There was a time period in European history that spanned through 5th to 15th century AD, known as the 'Middle Ages' or the 'Dark Ages'. The Middle Ages are often said to be 'dark' because of the lack of scientific and cultural advancement.
  • Because of the misery experienced by people in the 'Dark Ages', a new movement 'Enlightenment' was born which questioned the authority of the king and the church.
  • Therefore, Enlightenment is all about awakening. It is overcoming the ignorance that we live in by questioning every ritual and superstition to eradicate darkness from our life.
  • Enlightenment is all about using our power of reasoning and distinguishing the truth from the myth.
  • Whether it was called Moksha by the Hindus or called Nirvana by Buddha or it became known as the Enlightenment Era, all the three movements had one goal – to be liberated from misery and sorrow and live a life of peace, joy, and bliss.