The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Which path will lead us to our Ultimate Goal?


  • If we compare Moksha, Nirvana, and Enlightenment, we see that all three are different names, but they essentially mean one and the same thing. Some people even call this Mukti or Freedom, some Salvation or Unification with the Divine.
  • All three concepts talk about spiritual enlightenment through acquiring the wisdom of the Spirit, the Soul or the Life Energy within.
  • These concepts question the reality of death and try to help us realize: who dies? Are we the body that dies, or the mind that we can't find or are we the Divine Soul?
  • All three concepts help us to be enlightened with the Truth, compared to other concepts which continue to let us live in ignorance, believing in the myth, in rituals and superstition.
  • Since there is no doubt that a power, we call God exists, our goal is to realize God and become one with the Divine.
  • When we go on a quest to realize the Truth, we find answers that will lead us to our Ultimate Goal of Peace, Joy, and Bliss.
  • The concepts of MEN, Moksha, Enlightenment andimg12.pngNirvana, take us closer to the Truth.