The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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A to Z of Spirituality


To achieve the Ultimate Goal of life, we should live with the A to Z of spirituality.

A. Ask questions

B. Beauty is Divinity

C. Consciousness leads to Peace and Bliss

D. Discriminate thoughts

E. Enlightenment is the goal

F. False beliefs are dangerous

G. God exists

H. Happiness will follow

I. "I" stops us from Bliss

J. Journey of life has no destination

K. Karma is a universal law

L. Love is the source of joy

M. Manifestations of the Divine

N. Now! Only Now exists

O. Omnipresent - The Power is everywhere

P. Purpose of life is Unification

Q. Quest will take us to freedom

R. Realize the Truth

S. Soul is our true identity

T. Tranquillity and peace is the foundation

U. Unhappiness can be overcome

V. Victory will not give happiness

W. Wealth is a roadblock to Nirvana

X. "X-it” we all have to exit one day

Y. Yoga is being in Union with the Divine

Z. Zen is Meditation that slows down the mind