The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Discover the secret of Ultimate Peace, Bliss, and Joy


  • After understanding the 3 primary tenable concepts, MEN - Moksha, Enlightenment, and Nirvana, what is our ultimate realization? Can we live a life of everlasting peace and eternal joy without any misery and suffering? Yes! We can.
  • But for this, we have to ask questions as we go on a quest and we have to separate tenable concepts from untenable concepts.
  • Whatever be our religion, it is the foundation on which our philosophy of life must be built. But we need to go beyond religion to realize the Truth and to be liberated.
  • Whether we follow the Hindu concept of Moksha, the western concept of Enlightenment or the Buddhist concept of Nirvana, they all start from realization of the Truth. They take us towards Liberation from misery and sorrow, and we live with Joy, Peace, and Love.
  • If we continue to live with ignorance, that we are the Ego, Mind, and Body, then there is no way for us to transcend suffering.
  • A liberated Soul lives life being conscious and enjoying the bliss, of Divinity. One who is liberated doesn't get pulled back to be imprisoned in ignorance again but lives every moment in Divine ecstasy, in joy, bliss, and peace.