The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is the Ultimate Goal of life? The whole world believes it is to be happy, to have peace and bliss, just as it is to escape from misery and suffering. While this seems to be the goal of life, it is not the Ultimate Goal of life because although man enjoys pleasure that he gets from achievement, and peace that he gets from fulllment, man is still miserable. This is because man has not found a purpose. He has not understood the meaning of life – who he is, where he comes from and where he will go. He has not realized the truth - who created this world and who created him. Man struggles to understand the truth and when he faces misery or difculties, he just folds his hands, looks up at the sky and prays. But his problems are not solved. Unless man nds the meaning of life, the true purpose of life, he will continue to struggle and be miserable.

Are we meant to live just to die? What is our purpose here on earth? Most of us are so busy in life that we have no time to think about this. Religions all over the globe however, advocate that there is a goal for human life - some call it Moksha, some Enlightenment, and some Nirvana. Different religions give a different title or name to our Ultimate Goal. What do these religious or spiritual concepts mean? Is Enlightenment the same as Moksha or Nirvana? Are all these concepts different religious dogmas, each unique to its own religion?

To get to the Ultimate Goal, we need to make an inquiry about life. We need to study certain facts. Are we sure to die? Will our human existence end? The world calls this Death. What is Death? What happens after Death? Is it just “Game Over”? If we use our intelligence and ponder over the mystery of Death, of life, we know there is something beyond human comprehension. There is some connection between our birth, our death, and our life in between. Why is it that some people are born fortunate and some in the most unfortunate circumstances? Some are born rich and some poor. Some are born healthy and some physically and mentally challenged. Who controls all this? Who controls this Universe and everything that happens in it? How did all this happen? Science says the entire Cosmos was caused by a humungous 'Big Bang'. But who created this 'Big Bang'?

The earth is a marvel with so many beautiful creatures, insects, plants, animals and we, human beings - each so amazing, so unique! How did all this come about? The mountains and the oceans, the trees, the seas, and the breeze, could all this 'just happen'? Each human being is made up of several trillion cells, each cell is sizzling with life. Theology comes out with an answer. It is God! The Creator!

But who is God? Where is God? What is God? Who is the Creator of this universe? Is God just a statue or a saint? No! God is not a picture that anyone can paint. God or the Creator is beyond human comprehension. We don't know who God is, where God is, and what God is, but God is.

When we try to study what the Ultimate Goal of Life is, then we will realize the Ultimate Truth. Our Ultimate Goal is Unication with the Divine, the Creator, the one who created us, who gave us breath, without which there would be death. The one who caused our birth on earth, the one who created the planet and the stars, the sun, and the moon and all life that exists.

We seem to be actors on this humongous stage called Earth. This magic show called 'Life' seems to be controlled by a Cosmic Magician through His own universal laws that make things happen in order. Nothing happens by chance. We know that, don't we?

What we don't understand is, who we are and why we are here. What is our purpose on earth? Are we just the physical body or are we the mind? Some think we are the Ego that says 'I'. A few believe that we are the Divine Soul. What is the Soul? It is the Life Energy that is inside us, the Power that gives us breath and when it leaves, it causes our death. It is like air inside a balloon which gives life to an otherwise dead balloon. When the balloon is deated, the air merges with the air that is everywhere. So does our Soul!

We are the body, mind, ego, and Soul. All these put together create a human being. We are born with nothing and we see that when people die, they take nothing with them. We all seek Happiness and Peace, but we suffer. The suffering is because of our ignorance. We live in darkness without realizing the Truth.

Different religions in different countries offer different solutions to the issue of Happiness, each advocating their concept to be the best. Some religions promise that their God will solve all our problems, will even suffer on our behalf. Others talk of our actions being important when we face the nal day of judgement and go to heaven or hell. Each religion has its own concept of God and Happiness. There are some Eastern faiths that believe in Liberation from misery and sorrow, with some advocating a rebirth based on our past actions.

If we go through all the religions of the world, we will nd that they all believe that their God will give their followers a life of peace and bliss. However, not all religions advocate concepts that are tenable. Some advocate beliefs that can no longer be considered relevant, practical or logical. Amongst the various concepts that promise us our Ultimate Goal, a life of Bliss and Joy without suffering, are the three major religious concepts that are worth a study and review. They are - Moksha, Enlightenment, and Nirvana.

If we investigate and study 'MEN', Moksha, Enlightenment, and Nirvana, it will help us understand the A to Z of Spirituality and lead us to discover the Ultimate Purpose of life.


img6.png What is the Ultimate Goal of life?

Why this misery, why this strife?

Instead of living with Peace and Bliss,

The Joy of this beautiful world we miss.img7.png