The Ultimate Goal of Life – MEN – Moksha, Enlightenment, Nirvana by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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What is the Ultimate Goal of Life?


  • We live with the sole purpose of doing things that can put a smile on our face. While we seek pleasure and shun pain, it seems that there is no way to escape from misery.
  • Most people think that success is happiness because achievement gives them a feeling of exhilaration and excitement. This is the first peak- Achievement.
  • But the question is - can we be successful all the time? We desire and when the desire is fulfilled, we become happy. But when it is not, we become disappointed and feel discouraged.
  • There are a few lucky people who go beyond pleasure and live with peace as they scale the second peak of happiness, Fulfillment and live with Contentment.
  • Those who aspire to achieve the Ultimate Goal of Life, go on a quest, ask questions and investigate the truth behind their beliefs.
  • Less than one percent of humanity tries to move beyond the second peak of happiness - Fulfillment, realizes the Truth and attains Liberation from misery and sorrow.