Three Peaks of Happiness by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Desire/Greed/More Success, Money...




Desire/Greed/More Success, Money...



Achievement - A journey of many peaks and valleys


No Craving/Peace/Contentment




No Craving/Peace/Contentment



Fulfilment - A plateau of peace and contentment


No Craving/Peace/Contentment


No Death


No Craving/Peace/Contentment


No Death

Liberation - Freedom from the prisons of misery & sorrow

Problems won't disappear. But they won't affect you anymore!

Will problems, misery, and pain disappear for a liberated one who has ascended the Third Peak of Happiness? No! Problems will not disappear, nor will pain stop attacking a liberated one. But one who has climbed the Third Peak of Happiness is unaffected by miseries, problems, and pain.

A liberated one looks like anybody else. He continues to live in the body till such time that his journey of life is over. While he is alive, he continues to do things. There is no freedom from action but there is freedom in action. He watches everything as a movie or a drama and doesn't react to whatever happens. Even if something happens to his body, it doesn't affect him. The body may suffer pain but he doesn't suffer the pain because he has realized that he is not the body. Therefore, do not imagine that something magical happens with the one who is liberated.



Each one of us is actually liberated, but on the top of our liberation, there is a blanket of ignorance. The ignorance continues to make us live as the ego, mind, and body. And due to being the ego, mind, and body, we continue to suffer in the prisons of misery and sorrow. We are unable to experience the true bliss of eternal joy and peace and a life without misery and pain. If somebody expects that the Third Peak of Happiness is a magical peak where people will not grow old, will not die, and will not experience any disease, they are mistaken. To the onlooker, everybody is growing old, dying, and experiencing pain and disease. The one who has attained Liberation does not experience the pain, disease, and old age because he disassociates himself from the body. The body may grow old, but a liberated one does not grow old. Fortunately, the realized and liberated one understands and experiences this bliss of the Third and Ultimate Peak of Happiness.

The others who stand far below in the valley of Achievement occasionally climb up the peaks of joy and fall down the valleys of sorrow; they find it difficult to understand realization and to accept Liberation. Otherwise they too would subscribe for such a journey if it was so easy to escape from old age, death, disease, fear, worry, and anger. Some people want a shortcut. They want to be on the Third Peak of Happiness and experience this bliss without actually being realized. But well the only way to Liberation is Realization.

We need to realize the truth that we are not the body, mind, and ego, but the energy that gives power and life to the body, mind, and ego. If one is committed towards Liberation, then one will use a method of realization to realize the truth; and post realization, one will steadily grow towards being liberated and live peacefully and blissfully on the Third and Ultimate Peak of Happiness till the moment when one is liberated from the body!

||Om Namah Shivaya|| ||Shivoham ||