Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Foreword: just a quick note.


This ebook is about aliens. That’s my perspective on it, and the way that I box some of the experiences I intend to share. I am open to it being something else, and will even offer, where insight allows, to put that forwards as alternative conclusion. To those familiar with lore, you may not find anything new here. I am familiar with the lore, but I am not the guy to recite names and dates. I am also not connected to anyone special. I am not special. I am not claiming to be a hybrid or an Indigo Child. I would like to be that, but I am not calling that.

I suspect, those of you who are high level experiences, or who are well read, and more detail oriented may find I am not detailed enough. Whether these experiences are metaphysical, transpersonal, psychological, or alien- they can be quite profound, embarrassingly intimate, and though the stigma I think is finally beginning to fade away from people who report, there are still social consequences for sharing. I have struggled with fear all my life. I still do. I am hoping the few of you who suffer through this sharing will be able to read between the lines at times, or at least have the discernment to recognize some things were just not uttered. Usually, if I want to say something without saying it, I will couch it in a ‘hypothetical’ box to allow for plausible deniability. If you see something or suspect something and you want confirmation, feel free to ask.

We need to discuss this subject. The stigma needs to go away from it. The more that people share their experiences, the sooner that will happen. There is a threshold of no return. We’re approaching that. Most people who follow the lore feel that. Change is in the air. Maybe I am insignificant, comparatively; on the surface, my experiences seem insignificant. No one is going make a movie out of this. Maybe most experiencers are on this fringe of being moderately insignificant, downright boring, to just barely being so overwhelmingly profound that once we’re triggered we’ll be the guy in the town hall meeting silencing the heckler because we know just enough we want to know more. I have no definitive evidence. Just my story. For Joseph Campbell, that would be enough. I have come up with a way for framing my experiences so that I can make sense of it. Ultimately, it will be what it will be. I share to add my voice. I share, so if there are other fringe folks, or people teetering on the edge of sharing, you, too may speak.

Maybe someone reading this will see something familiar and connect. I intend to leave this as a free e-book on free-ebooks.net. I will make it available to Kindle, and if someone wants a free pdf to share, I will provide it on request. If anything moves you, feel free to share.