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Human Energy System


"It would be easier to roll up the entire sky than it would be to obtain true happiness without knowing the Self." Upanishads

The term "chakra" originated from Sanskrit, it translates as “wheel of light.” In general, the chakras are described subtle energy centres intertwined with the organs, nervous systems etc. To elaborate, it has been empirically proven that  they serve as collection and transmission centres of energy/energy-potential.

Fact: According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, life-force or vital- force is a type of subtle energy, which can be carried by our bio-electromagnetic energies.

The energy centres are as real as they are symbolic. They represent centres of subtle energies that are rooted in the three vertical energy currents. In locations, where they intersect, they interconnect the chakra and their corresponding energy fields. In loose terms, they serve as an indicator of psycho-physical health, although they are also a complex system of layered realities in themselves. Envision each chakra just like a switch, which activates dormant genetic potential. In turn, they unlock the mind to the highest levels...

In addition, the control over pranic or Kundalini energy in any of the centres induces a corresponding state of awareness. In reverse, a specific state of awareness will induce pranic energy to predominate the corresponding energy centre. Each is directly related to the other. Hence, every energy centre symbolises a progressively higher, yet entirely diverse state of consciousness.

The lunar and solar channel cross each other at each energy centre, where they should not be stimulated separably. Stimulating an energy centre arouses pranic energy, which in turn arouses consciousness on said level. In other words, the physical and/or mental stimulation of higher energy centres encourages the cultivation of higher states of consciousness.

Hiroshi Motoyama scientifically evidenced the existence of seven energy centres in association with the physical body. His research suggests there are five additional chakras, located above the top of the head. From a physiological viewpoint, each primary energy centres relates to a major nerve plexus and a major endocrine gland. The primary energy centres originate on the etheric level. They interconnected with each other, yet they are also interlinked with segments of the physical-cellular anatomy through the subtle energy channels, called the nadis. The nadis should not be confused with the meridians, which possess a physical counterpart in the meridian duct systems. The nadis represent an extensive  network  of  subtle  energies  that  parallel  the  bodily  nerves  in  their abundance. The Ayurvedas estimate there are approx. 72,000 nadis in the subtle anatomy of the body. As these channels are interwoven with the nervous system, dysfunctions is frequently related to pathological changes in the nervous system. As a result of his research, Motoyama concluded that the nadis and the meridians together form a physical, but invisible system of physiological control located within connective tissue. In classical thought, the nadis consists of three subtle energy streams, which interface with the energy centres and physical body, flowing in central (shushumna), left (Ida/Lunar) and right (Pingala/Solar) locations. These channels are divided into two categories:

Subtle: These are immaterial, invisible channels of subtle energy.

Gross: These are material, visible channels of subtle energy. These encompass nerves, muscles, vessels of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, including meridians.

Although various sources speculate that the nadis and the meridians may be identical, this is not the case. We mistakenly deduce this due to the close correspondence between the principal meridians and the primary nadis, since  they are anatomically interlinked and serve comparable functions. For example, this is most visibly demonstrated by the governor vessel meridian and the central channel, Shushumna.

Although the biological role of the nadis is still to be verified, there is a significant connection between the energy centres, meridians and nerves. On closer observation, the Ida and Pingala channels form a double helix, which corresponds to the sympathetic nervous trunks on the sides of the spinal cord.

In total, there are fourteen major nadis, through which prana flows in order to supply the energy centres with vital force. In general, interactions between the three nadis cleanse the energy centres as well as the physical body.

In the Ayurveda, prana flows through the nadis to 'charge' the chakras, whereas in the Traditional Chinese Medicine, chi flows through the meridians to supply the organs. Although this is solely theoretical claptrap in the annals of modern science, the connection from each nadi to a specific meridian has been  empirically tested on numerous occasions by a great many remarkable minds. Hence, the alternative branches of science have become acutely aware that these locations exchange information on multiple levels. They transfer and receive information across the electromagnetic spectrum as much as they do on the etheric level. Motoyamas research illustrated how these instructions can be altered, when the the following subtle energy channels are in alignment (for the vital energies to flow into the central channel):

Solar:   Pingala begins below the root energy centre and ends in the right    nostril, through which it is commonly activated. The right channel of the nadi system mainly deals with pranic and mental energies, primarily those considered solar. It is associated with the sun and symbolises masculinity. In addition, it governs the energy responsible for physical movement and activities. Therefore it is associated with qualities such as vitality, strength, vigour and power. The solar  channel is electrical by nature. It aids quick thinking, but also fast acting. When there are no underlying imbalances, Pingala is more active between the Full Moon and the New Moon.

Lunar: Ida begins below the root energy centre and ceases in the left nostril, where is it commonly activated. In men, it is actually associated with the left testicle. Due to its overall pathway along the left side of the spine, it is related to the sympathetic nervous system. Hence, it governs mental and feminine energies. Its association with the moon led our ancestors to speculate, whether it may exhibit correlating functions, such as energy conservation, energy restoration or neural stimulation. Since then, it has become common knowledge, Ida relays pranic and mental energy, yet it doesn't end there. It truly does restore the neural pathways of the brain. Similar to the moon, its essence is magnetic. It relates to our psyche, its unconscious content (and consciousness). Ida dominates from the New Moon to the Full Moon.

Central: The central channel, otherwise known as Shushumna, passes through the spinal column. It begins in the root energy centre and ends in the crown chakra at the top of the head, where it divides into two streams. The anterior passes through the Third Eye in the middle of the forehead. The central channel is the main distributor of pranic energy to the subtle energy organs and energy centres. It is dormant, when the left or right channel is active. When energies flow into the central channel, Kundalini (cosmos energy) is aroused in the root chakra.

On a practical level, it is important to note that the stimulating the chakras and arousing the kundalini are entirely different processes. First, the energy centres must be cleansed, aligned and activated before the kundalini should be aroused. When the energy centres are blocked (or operate at a lower vibration than recommended) the conditions are not ideal. More often than not, this leads to complications. Do not underestimate how imperative it is to purify the energy centres, before aligning and aligning them to a higher vibrational frequency in order for the cosmic energy to pass through unhindered. Skipping important steps causes harm to the physical body throughout the DNA activation process as well as any subsequent (speculated) mutation of DNA and RNA molecules.

Hara Line Development: (referred to as Shushumna) often depict as a silver cord, the Hara line flows vertically across the human body, from the Earth Star to the root chakra, from there to the crown chakra and upwards. This channel not only connects the two chakras that ground us into the physical plane, but it also helps anchor us at this point in space-time. The Hara line pervades every inch of our being from the energy centres, to the Dan Tiens, to the auric field, which makes this channel the main vertical energy current. The Hara line is the channel the connects the root chakra and the Earth Star. Through this section of the channel, energy from Ida is drawn down to the earth star. To draw the Earth Star up along with the Hara Line just above the root chakra enables time-travel, dimensional travel, levitation, teleportation and interstellar travel.

Outside of the seven chakras, there are five additional energy centres. These are transpersonal chakras, intimately interconnected with the electromagnetic field. In theory, everything with an energy field could be said to possess at least two or three of these energy centres:

Hara Centre: Located 5cm below the navel, in the form of a ball approx. 1.5in (3.81cm) in diameter. It is also known as the Dan Tien, which translates as “the field of the elixir of long life and wisdom.” It stores energy, then distributes it through the body.

Earth Star (Planetary Chakra): Located 6 inches below the soles of the feet. Commonly referred to as a master chakra, the Earth Star anchors us in our physical body. It also connects us to the physical plane of existence in this space- time domain, thereby it acts as the seat of karma. Yet, it is a magnetic force , capable of aligning and anchoring all the other energy centres. Hypothetically,  the Earth Star works in conjunction with the Soul Star Chakra.

Akashic Chakra (8th): Located approximately one inch above the crown  chakra. This energy centre transcends space-time. It connects us to the Akashic field, parallel realities and the cosmic intelligence of the Akashic records. It is often used to conduct shamanic healing and spirit communication.

Soul Chakra (9th): Located further above the crown chakra, the 9th chakra is said to be the seat of the soul. It enables us access to the depths of our soul or our higher purpose. Since it functions like a the doorway to archetypal energies (or patterns), it plays an important role in shaping our destiny beyond this life.

Galactic Chakra (11th): Located outside the parameters of the human body, it is accessible through the hands and feet. It bridges our 'human' sphere of influence with the supernatural. Shamans may work with this chakras dimension to induce healing, journey or even influence the physical through the supernatural. The  11th Chakra reveals the mind as a powerful tool to shape reality.

Cosmic Chakra (12th): Located at the top of the energy system. This energy centre allows us to reach a state of universal/multiversal knowledge. It represents the cosmic unity with all-that is and that which is not. It has been proposed this chakra represents the mastering the purpose of our (fragmented) consciousness.

The following techniques used to be freely available. Since they're now difficult to come by, they were included in this book as an homage.

Mental Technique Light Body Meditation

  1. Focus on the region of the thymus gland. Visualise a purple blue light. Imagine a candle flame on your upper chest below the throat area and above the heart chakra. Do this for 20 minutes, then expand the purple blue flame to 1 – ∞ feet around you, until it engulfs everything. You may experience tingling sensation or inner heat.
  2. Focus on the Third Eye. For about 10 minutes, visualise a golden light, emanating from the forehead. Then, turn your focus to the pineal gland and envision a golden ball (or small sun) in its place. After at least 10 minutes, visualise it expand. Fill your entire head with its shining, luminous glow. Imagine this light, flowing out  into and through the higher chakras, up to 2/3 feet on top of your head.
  3. Let it radiate externally and internally. Include organs, nadis, chakras and every layers of the electromagnetic field. Bathe in this golden energy as long as possible.
  4. Focus on the Core Star between the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakra. Visualise a bright white light, until you feel its energy. Envision the Core Star spinning. Notice its light-energy spreading within. Let it blend with every cell, atom and particle.

Mental Technique Hara Line Development

  1. Choose a quiet place, where you won't be disturbed. Switch off all distractions. Sit with your legs crossed, in lotus or lie down in corpse pose. Keep your spine and neck in alignment. Ensure that you are breathing equally through both nostrils.
  2. Close your eyes. Picture the Hara Line running through your physical body from the highest point above the head down through the crown chakra, passing through the sixth and fifth chakra into the soul seat. Follow it through the lower chakras, the Dan Tien and out the root chakra and down into the Earth Star to the Earths core.
  3. Ground the physical body with the Earth. Visualise the Dan Tien change from a reddish-brown colour to a reddish colour. Feel your connection with the Earth. Afterwards, concentrate on the point just above your head. Draw energy from the Earth up the Hara Line and pull it through to the 12th Chakra.
  4. Focus on the Earth Star six inch below the soles of your feet. Draw the Earth Star out of the Earth along with the Hara Line up to the region just below the Root Chakra and hold it there.
  5. In your own time, drop the Hara Line and the Earth Star back down into the Earth. Reconnect both with the Earth. Ensure that their connection is stable. Ground yourself thoroughly. Be rooted deeply into the Earth. Be careful to observe any sensations, thoughts or images. When you are ready, open your eyes.