Why Bad Things Can’t Happen To Good People! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Across the world, we nd this a challenge beyond our comprehension. We nd the murderers, the cheaters, and the dishonest ones suffer. But along with them, we also nd honest people, sincere, hardworking people, facing the trials and tribulations of life.

When a religious community is praying in a sacred religious place and a bunch of terrorists come with guns and shoot them indiscriminately, the world cries in horror. It sees men, women, and children covered with blood as the terrorists ee away. These were devout believers and they were praying to God when the tragedy occurred. How could God permit this to happen?

Why do good people suffer? People just can't understand this. Is God cruel? Has God designed the world in such a way that even good people must suffer? Is God not powerful enough to stop disasters from attacking good and honest people? There are so many good people in this world who suffer. Why?

Sometimes, people wonder how a family that took care of 200 destitute people caught a serious disease and perished. The entire family of ve had dedicated their life to take care of these discarded and destitute people. They did not treat them any less than family. They cared for them, fed them and took care of their aches and pains. When the entire family caught the deadly disease and died, the neighbours were shocked, “Why did such a tragedy have to fall upon such amazing people?” People have no answer.

Is there any doubt that good people also suffer or are suffering only for the evil ones? If God was a good and kind God, then He would not let good people suffer. We know for sure, that God is all-powerful. He controls whatever happens on earth.

He can stop any misery from striking. Why then does He permit good people to suffer? It's perfectly ok when evildoers are faced with tragedy. But why does God permit a tragedy where those who are good are attacked? Man believes that if he does good things, then good things will happen to him, but despite doing good things when bad things come as a result, man is bewildered and astonished.

Man is capable of performing actions. But man is not capable of controlling the results of his actions. Whatever happens on earth is somehow controlled by the Divine. If the Divine is just, kind and powerful, then good people should not suffer. Across the world, we see good people suffer so often. It is not because of some random unfortunate events but misfortune strikes many good people. Day in and day out, we see good people around us, suffer.

Since the Divine is responsible for all the results of our actions, then why does it seem that the Divine is not ensuring good results to be the outcome of good actions? If the Divine was all-powerful, then why would bad things happen to good people? If the Divine was just unkind, then why would He permit the result of bad actions to be a mismatch where good people suffer and bad people enjoy?

Sam was a young man. He believed in God and never told a lie all his life. He was a vegetarian and did not cause harm to animals. He had no bad habits, never smoked a cigarette and never touched alcohol. He never did anything dishonest. He was blessed to marry Sarah, the most beautiful girl his family had ever seen and they both seemed like the best couple in the world. Within months, Sarah was diagnosed with cancer. She was pregnant but before she could deliver the baby, death struck and Sam's heart was broken. Sam was devastated and his family had no words to console him. How could God be so cruel?

The Guptas' were a joint family. They were the richest in the little town that they had controlled for over four generations. Not only did they make a lot of money, but they had also built a charitable hospital to serve the poor, orphanages for the destitute and even animal shelters. One day, as if from nowhere, a deadly re burnt their entire home and took the lives of many of their family members. Their insurance cover had just expired the day before, which means that they were completely destroyed. Why did such a disaster unfold on such good people? They were known for their benevolence, humility, compassion, and kindness. Why then, did nature strike such a cruel blow on them?

Daniel was a Christian priest. All his life, he honestly prayed to God. He was loved by one and all for his devotion and commitment to God. People didn't understand why he had no children even ten years after his marriage. One day the good news came. Daniel became the father of a lovely boy. The congregation had planned a big celebration for the naming ceremony and prayed to God for His glory and His blessings on the priest. On the day of the naming ceremony, the baby collapsed. The doctors could not assert any reason for the sudden demise of the supposedly healthy child. The congregation was stunned!

When good people suffer and bad things happen to good people, people are unable to accept. They question, “Why?” They blame God. They blame themselves. They look at the sky and cry. But they are not able to understand why bad things happen to good people. When the good suffer, the world gets dejected. Even the believers in God get frustrated and start wondering as to why God permits such suffering to unfold on earth. People cannot understand why, although those who believe, feel that there must be a reason for this happening.

Is God unfair? Is God incapable of stopping bad things from happening to good people? If the Creator was all-powerful, then why will good people suffer? Is the Creator unable to stop disasters from attacking even good people? Is God not omnipotent, all-powerful as we think God to be? What stops God from preventing this injustice that happens in this world.

The world lives in a dilemma. People can't understand. When bad things happen to bad people, it seems ne. And when good things happen to good people it is fair. But why do good people suffer and why do the scoundrels of this world get away with all their treachery? This is something beyond human comprehension. People are unable to digest this injustice and often question God as to why this is so.

Some people believe that this world is like a drama, just like in any theatre, both good and bad things are part of the plot. If the storyboard has any one emotion, then the drama loses its charm. They believe that God has created this universe as His Leela, a theatre of His fantasy. To make his Leela exciting, He has created both good things and bad things to unfold on earth. While bad things unfold, sometimes they fall upon good people and sometimes on bad people. Some people believe that this is why good people suffer. But is this so?

What is the answer? People can't understand why good people suffer. People know that there is a law and we receive what we deserve. But when things that happen on earth do not seem to follow the principle of action and reaction, people are not only confused but become depressed and hopeless. In their helplessness, they have no choice but to look up to God and question His power – “Why O God, do you permit such injustice to happen on earth?”
