Why Bad Things Can’t Happen To Good People! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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As we realize the profound Truth that apples can't grow on mango trees, that bad things can't happen to good people, it leads us to a greater Realization. There is nothing in the world like 'luck'. We are the masters of our destiny. Through our own present actions, we control our future.

Karan, Rahul, and Rishab were sons of Mr. Jain. They grew up going to the same school and branched out into different elds. Their parents loved them and had put in a lot of effort to help them succeed in life. About 10 years later, when the 3 boys returned for a family reunion, a strange scenario lled the air in the Jain residence. Karan had become a millionaire. He had bought several cars, had not just one home but a few holiday homes and had built huge nancial reserves in a successful life that he had carved for himself. Rishab was not so successful but he seemed very happy with the modest job in a bank that made him feel secure. Rahul, however, was in tatters. Not only did he appear beggarly, but he also looked frail and his misery showed all over him. What caused the fate of these 3 brothers who grew up together? Why was one super successful and one a dismal failure? Was it just chance or was it choice? People would argue and many would believe it was just luck. Others would go one step further and say that it was the choices that these boys made. While choices are very important to determine the destiny of our life, we must realize that these choices can be made based on certain opportunities that may open up to us. These opportunities don't open up by chance. Very few people realize that our circumstances, our breaks and opportunities are often the results of our own past actions that are coming back to us.

It is most unfortunate people think that life is made up of chances. They don't realize the fact that it is made up of choices and not chances. What may appear as luck, is actually something that we pluck based on what we sow. If we understand the law 'As you sow, so shall you reap', then we understand that we can reap a destiny of our choice, by controlling what we sow. If we want apples on the tree, then we must not plant mangoes. Those who blame God for their misfortune are ignorant about the Universal Laws. Some people even believe God not to be omnipotent, thinking that God is not all-powerful and that God is subject to the power of the devil who causes misfortune, despite God's efforts. This is a myth. The Creator is omnipotent, all-powerful and omniscient, knows everything. The Divine is kind and compassionate and has created Universal Laws, which we must understand, accept and follow. If we fail to do so, we suffer. But if we can understand the laws of the Divine, then we can take charge of our actions and control our destiny.

The seeds that we planted yesterday are the trees that will bear fruit today, just as the seeds that we plant today, will become the trees that will bear fruit tomorrow. What is happening in our life today is sometimes beyond our control because it is based on our past actions. However, our future can be controlled because that is based on our current actions. If we take charge of our deeds, then we can control what will happen in the future. Our destiny doesn't depend on anyone else, except ourselves. It is not a matter of luck or chance. But rather it will unfold based on our own actions. Today's actions are the cause. Our destiny is just the effect. By controlling the cause, we can control the effect. If we want a better reaction, then we must change our actions.

For those who believe that our future is based on luck, they must wake up to the Truth that it is not luck, but rather Karma that controls our future. Karma itself means action and the Law of Karma bypasses luck or chance systematically, giving each individual what they deserve, based on their own actions.

Whatever happens on earth, is unfolding as an effect of a cause. Just like we know that if strawberries are growing in a bunch, it is because somebody planted strawberries and not cherries. Of course, we have a choice. If we want cherries, we can plant cherries. But complaining why strawberries appear while wanting cherries, and then planting strawberries makes no sense. Everything is happening as per the law of the universe. Nothing can change it, except our actions. Our actions control our future. Our destiny is the combination of our past and present actions, which are within are direct control.

For those who don't understand how this works, the best analogy is that of the car and the road. We are driving a car, but the road is full of bumps. It is a bad road. Can we control the road? No, we can't! The road that appears is nothing but the unfolding of our past actions. If our actions were good, we would be on a smooth highway. The road is the effect of the cause, our own past actions. However, the car is in our hands. We can control the car, go fast or slow, turn left or right. The car symbolizes our present action which is completely in our hands. Together, the road and the car symbolize our life. Our life is a combination of past actions which appear as the road which we cannot change and our present actions, which is the car, very much under our control. Together, we drive through life. If we want a great destiny, let us perform some great deeds, for they will unfold accordingly. There is no magic involved. The logic unfolds as per the Universal Law.

Sandeep's life was miserable. People who saw his life unfold used to feel sad for him. It looked like he was carrying tons of negative Karma. Nothing seemed to go right in his life. His personal life was in a mess and his nancial condition was in doldrums. But Sandeep believed his destiny was in his hands. He met a Spiritual Master who taught him to accept whatever happens with a smile. He also taught him to surrender to the Divine will, and to keep on doing his best, for the law would ultimately unfold in his favour. One day, as if by magic, Sandeep's life was transformed. Everything turned around and he seemed to be a man who was not just successful, but blissful. What caused this? What suddenly changed a destiny that was in the dumps?

Our destiny is in our hands. While we cannot control the path on which we walk, we can monitor our footsteps. There is no doubt that some aspect of our life is unfolding as per our past actions. But we still have a choice to discriminate and choose our present actions that will ultimately sow the seeds for tomorrow's fruits. While our past actions have caused the present to unfold, it is our present actions, our deeds of today that will control our destiny and our fortune of tomorrow. This is not a matter to believe or not to believe in. We should know it. Do you believe you have a nose on your face? You don't need to believe that. You know very well that you have a nose. You can touch it, feel it and see it in a mirror. You need to believe only things that you don't know. When you know that apples can't grow on mango trees, when you know you reap what you sow, then you must know that you control your destiny. While you know this, you must not be ignorant of the fact that you carry with you an unsettled account of past Karma that will unfold and interfere with your destiny unless you learn to deal with such circumstances with actions that can overcome such misfortunes. Those who understand the Universal Law and plant positive deeds, eventually create a destiny of their dreams.

When we experience suffering, we curse and we cry. We don't understand “why” this suffering appears in our life. if only we did, we would gratefully accept it. So many people suffer on earth, not because they are doomed to suffer, but more because they cause their own suffering. If only we realized this, we would stop planting thorns so that our future is full of beautiful owers. Those who understand the ins and outs of the law realize that our account doesn't end at death and sometimes, we may be surprised at how the law is unfolding because we don't know what our carry forward score is. The Truth is suffering or bliss, it unfolds as per our own past actions.

Therefore, when something happens, something not so good, a misfortune, a tragedy, learn to accept it. It is our own past coming back to us. If we don't realize how the law works, we will only complain and cry and this will not help us in any way. Those who understand the Universal Law, live gracefully, accepting whatever comes and do their best to create a destiny of their choice. In fact, when something bad happens, they rejoice, because they realize that their past bad deed is redeemed. The negative is over, and they look forward to the positive to unfold. They don't question a tragedy when it appears, but they are happy that they have endured the tragic result of a bad deed done by them in the past. Once all the negatives are over, they know that life will be full of bliss and joy. For one to live peacefully and blissfully, one must have complete trust in the Universal Laws. One must not doubt or question what unfolds on earth.
