Why Bad Things Can’t Happen To Good People! by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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In this world, there is a constant unfolding of events, some good and some bad. Life is like a merry-go-round and we pass both pleasure and pain in this journey called life. When good things happen, we are happy, but when tragedies strike, we become unhappy. Our sorrow reaches a peak when misfortune strikes good people.

Recently, somebody asked me a question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” I answered without a doubt, “Bad things can't happen to good people, just like Apples can't grow on mango trees. Such is the law of the universe.”

While I sent out my answer to the question, I realized that many people in this world live in ignorance with this belief and it is really sad that they think that bad things happen to good people.

As I grew up, I read several books that addressed similar topics. Authors and philosophers even questioned the power of the Divine and I feel sad that though we have an intellect, we are unable to discriminate and understand such a basic situation. This world has been created by the Divine and it operates through Divine Universal Laws. These laws need no intervention by the Creator. The Creator is not issuing orders or giving judgements on the actions of each of the 8 billion people that live on earth.

How then can people even imagine that the Divine is responsible for our miseries? Is it so difcult to understand that the Creator is not micromanaging the problems that confront us? Why then do we blame the Divine for whatever is happening in our lives?

The answer is simple. We human beings live in ignorance. We have not understood the Truth about the Creator and how Divine laws manage the show on earth. We have not pondered over who we are and what is our true relationship with the Divine. We have not discovered the cause of our circumstances and what controls our destiny. Instead of realizing the Truth, we often look up at the sky and question, “Why? Why did this happen to me? Why is there so much injustice? Why do bad things happen to good people?”

The universe operates on some basic Universal Laws. The world seems to be in an auto mode and there is no intervention by anybody in the unfolding of events on earth. Waves in the ocean come and go, the earth rotates causing day and night and people and animals procreate as the world continues its existence based on many Universal Laws. Whatever happens to people is also controlled by a law and a very few people are fortunate to discover this secret as to why things happen, both good and bad, to every human being who lives on earth.

Living with this belief that bad things happen to good people is due to ignorance that envelopes humanity. Because we are unaware of certain Universal Laws, we live, we exist, and we ultimately suffer and die. But we don't discover why bad things happen to good people!

This book will create a paradigm shift and change people's perspectives about problems and tragedies. It will help people realize that the Creator is Just and Powerful and His laws sustain this amazing universe moment by moment, as life unfolds on earth. It will show us a way to accept whatever happens joyously just as it will help us plant seeds for the destiny of our dreams.
