1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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For a faint  idea about the road; the places it leads to; consult the rustic and aboriginal tourist guide,


For a faint idea about the body; a first hand knowledge of its intricate parts; consult the specialist and prudent doctor,


For a faint idea about the cosmos; a glimpse into the history of stars; consult the hi-tech and contemporary astronaut,


For a faint idea about the battlefield; the weapons used in pugnacious war; consult the intrepid warrior,


For a faint idea about the garden; the fraternity of plants protruding from its ripened soil; consult the bushy haired gardener,


For a faint idea about the building; its majestic elevation towering splendidly towards the sky; consult the dexterous and skillful architect,


For a faint idea about the computer; a sagacious browsing through its fundamentals; consult the software prodigy,


For a faint idea about the scores of birds; the sounds they emanated while singing in melodious cadence; consult the dedicated ornithologist,


For a faint idea about medieval history; the vacillations of the kingly empire; consult the monk sitting beneath the gigantic tree,


For a faint idea about your destiny; the meaning of all those infinite bifurcation's on your palm; consult the prudent and mystical palmist,


For a faint idea about the ocean; the preposterously huge sharks lurking around in gay abandon; consult the domineering and bespectacled captain,


For a faint idea about the bus; the routes it travels on and stops; consult the pot-bellied and uniformed conductor,


For a faint idea about the solvents bubbling in the laboratory; the innumerable equations scribbled rampantly on the blackboard; consult the ingenious scientist,


For a faint idea about the paintings; the mesmerizing shapes sketched and evolved within the canvas; consult the gullible and unshaven artist,


For a faint idea about poetry; the inexplicable meaning embedded within the royal verse; consult the innovative and indefatigably writing writer,


For a faint idea about shimmering jewels; the grandiloquent chains of pearls scintillating wildly behind transparent glass; consult the wiry bodied and lanky goldsmith,


For a faint idea about catching the panther; explicitly divulging the name of the animal by merely viewing its remote footprints; consult the savage and sprint footed African hunter,


For a faint idea about solving mind boggling puzzles of arithmetic; cracking every riddle encapsulated within the school textbooks; consult the stern and stringent voiced teacher,


For a faint idea about love; romancing in the aisles of unsurpassable desire and emotion; consult your enchanting beloved,


For a faint idea about interacting with the acrimonious society; consult your mother; richly experienced in adeptly dealing with the same,


But for a complete idea about life; its share of good and gruesomely evil; its blissful rise and unpredictable pit-falls; the spirit of survival and letting one simultaneously exist; the origin of religion segregating entire mankind; the inevitable urge to procreate and continue this Universe;

Don’t ask me; for I cant even give you a faint idea; all I can say is that for pacifying your present anxieties and whatever that may futuristically arise, please do consult the Creator .















When I felt that the pace of life was overwhelmingly hectic; I sought solace in the blissful backdrop of the mystical valley,


When I felt that my legs were indefatigably tired; I sought solace in the king poster bed; tucking them cozily under the frilled mattress,


When I felt that each bone impregnated in my body hurt like a thousand corpses; I sought solace in the rejuvenating pool of herbal liquid,


When I felt that my tongue had lost all sensation of taste and aroma; I sought solace in a bunch of stupendously seductive grapes dangling in the dense forests,


When I felt that my scalp was being attacked by infinite battalions of red ant and termite; I sought solace under the waterfall of medicated shampoo; to wholesomely annihilate the last scrap of dirt from its very roots,


When I felt that my fingers simply refrained to write; I sought solace in clouds of soft and impeccable cotton; gently caressing each strand and thereby giving maximum ecstasy to my starved flesh,


When I felt that my brain had lost all its ability to perceive; monotonously trapped in the disparaging issues of the commercial world; I sought solace in a stream of red wine; gulping down the ravishing elixir; to stimulate my dead cells enjoying immortal sleep,


When I felt that my feet had gone horrendously numb; transforming into mammoth slabs of frozen ice; I sought solace infront of the crackling fire; imparting my soles the revitalization to leap in animated exultation and gallop,


When I felt that I was getting insanely bored; with pangs of uncanny frustration creeping up slowly into my soul; I sought solace on the boisterous floor of the vivacious disco; swinging my body to a billion beats of pulsating music,


When I felt that the sweltering rays of Sun were piercing with pungent hostility into my skin; I sought solace in the dainty interiors of my timid and little hut,


When I felt that the storm of hunger was brewing up incorrigibly in my stomach; I sought solace in shimmering plates inundated with appetizing morsels of pure curd and steaming rice,


When I felt that the stillness of atmosphere was severely taking its toll on my senses; I sought solace with the melodiously whistling bird,

When I felt that my hear beat was on the verge of extinction; the throbbing which was once prolifically violent in my chest; now not heard at all; I sought solace in the arms of my beloved; feeling her breath trigger off my smothering passions once again,


When I felt that the rotten stench of obnoxious vehicle smoke virtually strangulating the last ounce of air suspended in my lungs; I sought solace in a garden of fragrant lotus; with the tingling odor adding a smile perpetually to my face,


When I felt that planet earth had become too claustrophobic to exist; with every single space jammed by hordes of people and machinery; I sought solace in the dark dungeons; where the slithering serpent captivated me wholesomely with its charm and dance,


When I felt that the dust from the deserts was irascibly irritating my eyes; I sought solace in the heart of the ocean; where the frothy foam and fish entrenched me with insurmountable exhilaration,


When I felt that scores of stinging mosquitoes from the city perilously intruded upon and spoilt my every night; I sought solace on the top of the mountain; where the air was; pristine and fresh, and where I was in talking distance with the stars,


When I felt that the darkness of the satanic night was casting its evil spell upon me from all sides; I sought solace in the invincible lap of my mother,


And when I felt that my faith in mankind was gradually dwindling; with an insatiable urge to flee this Universe forever burning high and handsome in my persona every second; I sought solace in front of the reator; kneeling in submissive stupor on his feet; to experience the rays of encouragement; the omnipotent power to survive.














Even if you didn’t remember to wash your body early in the morning; slept cozily in your bed even after the Sun brilliantly crept up in the sky,


Even if you didn’t behave nicely with your wife; castigating her incessantly for her scores of inadvertent failures,


Even if you didn’t speak eloquently with your boss; howling at him a volley of horrendous abuse; giving a taste of his own medicine,


Even if you didn’t drive your vehicle to synchronized speed limits; swerving it like a wild panther let loose from the tyranny of the jungles,


Even if you didn’t sort your food meticulously with an array of shimmering spoons and forks; savagely tore through the chunks of fruit with untamed passion,


Even if you didn’t say "hello" every time you received a phone; barked a thunderous expletive; before eventually slamming down the receiver,


Even if you didn’t wear clothes to cover your skin; ran stark naked on the streets; loudly proclaiming to the world that you were unrestricted and wholesomely free,


Even if you didn’t study for the examinations; engrossed yourself thoroughly in earning money through a series of nefarious means instead,


Even if you didn’t write or speak a single word in the entire day; pretended yourself to be the greatest; expecting people to perceive your every demand; by simply looking into your emphatic eyes,


Even if you didn’t budge an inch after the disastrous earthquake struck the entire nation; remained as stoical as ice to the inexplicable suffering happening all around,


Even if you didn’t switch on the lights of your house as the last rays of day had entirely faded away; incorrigibly resolved to remain in perennial darkness and gloom; spreading the same as far and wide as you could,


Even if you didn’t drink water every time you felt thirsty; instead pacified the scorching chords of your throat with oligarchic wine,


Even if you didn’t respect your elders; treated small children in your neighborhood with profound hostility,


Even if you didn’t pay your bills for the month; remained sunk in your own world of voluptuous fantasy all day and night,


Even if you didn’t eat pure vegetarian food to appease your famished bowels; annihilated innocent animals instead to add taste to your lackluster tongue,


Even if you didn’t sit peacefully at one place for dedicated long hours; fidgeted about beating the bush with your impetuous palms instead,


Even if you didn’t adhere to each of your promises; betrayed the person whom you loved; not being able to accept the increasing pressures of mankind,


Even if you didn’t admire the enchanting melody of the singing birds; profusely patronized the voice of the hideous vultures instead,


And even if you lead life unconventionally; metamorphosing each blissful moment into veritable hell; acting upon your fancy whims and eccentricities,


Please don’t forget to pray to God; worship him in whatever form you had the prowess to conceive him,


For let me tell you; that you might be considering yourself very unique; self made persons having the supreme ability to implement each of your liquid thoughts into action; but without his blessings you were all simply broken strands of matchsticks orphaned on the ground; and before the last flame on your body dies a ghastly death;

C'mon get down on your heels; and fold your hands in front of the Creator.











The best way to pay him back for giving me precious sight; was to help all those staggering haphazardly in the darkness with their eyes wholesomely blinded,


The best way to pay him back for inundating my treasury with overwhelming gold and infinite biscuits of silver; was to disseminate it judiciously amongst all those impoverished; and who really needed it,


The best way to pay him back for stashing my warehouses and stomach with the most delectable of food; was to feed everyday all those famished since ages; orphans, destitute and the old on the brink of ghastly death,


The best way to pay him back for curing me of inexplicable disease; vanquishing all my pain with a single caress of his magical fingers; was to do my best in saving as many lives as possible all around; provide my shoulder for the weak to lean upon,


The best way to pay him back for the robust blood he circulated incessantly through my veins; was to donate an infinitesimal fraction of the same; to those

who desperately needed it,


The best way to pay him back for the mesmerizing voice that he had bestowed upon me with; was to sing as unrelentingly as I could far and wide across the globe; try and mollify the sorrow prevailing in hidden quarters of the streets,


The best way to pay him back for making me as strong as an ox; with raw muscle bulging bombastically from my demeanor; was to use it to protect all those infirm and weak woman; who were being deprived by the lecherous society,


The best way to pay him back for endowing me with a splendidly ingenious brain; was to utilize all my knowledge accumulated to evolve ideas to save perishing mankind,


The best way to pay him back for inundating my driveway with a battalion of swanky cars; was to take all orphaned children for a whirlwind ride; trigger off tingling smiles on their dead faces,


The best way to pay him back for embedding every space of my cupboard with incredulous suits and dresses; was to cover as many shivering bodies as I could; with heaps of cloth and compassionate warmth,


The best way to pay him back for showering upon me with thousands of lines of poetry; was to recite them to all those bereaved and in bizarre affliction; when every other medicine had miserably failed to have the slightest of impact,

The best way to pay him back for giving me a tinkling smile; making sure that I didn’t cry even once in my entire life; was to spread the essence of the same to all those

just about to die,


The best way to pay him back for giving me a sixth sense to prognosticate mystical happenings; was to admonish people before hand; of the possible dangers that might be lurking around their visage,


The best way to pay him back for flooding my wells with sparkling water; impregnating every open space in my house with streams of voluptuous froth; was to pacify the thirst the every person I encountered on the roads; the villagers scorching under sweltering heat of the Sun; bearing the brunt of acrimonious drought,


The best way to pay him back for giving me such a caring and adorable mother; who attended to even the most minuscule of my commands; was to embrace all those children suffering on the streets; starting each day of theirs with begging bowls scintillating in their palms,


The best way to pay him back for imparting me the love of my life; was seeing to it that no heart in this world ever broke; trying without respite to blend once

again; shattered souls together,


The best way to pay him back for giving me breath; seeing to it that it robustly flowed every hour, every minute, every second; was to procreate several more on my own; continuing the revered chapter of his existence,


And the best way to pay him back for giving me life; charting my destiny to be not less than a hundred years; was to diligently serve all the afflicted; infact serve to the most optimum of my ability; all mankind.
















To quench a scorched travelers thirst; all that was required was a tiny well with sparkling water,

The entire ocean with its boundless number of volcanic waves; the infinite assemblage of salty liquid proved to be absolutely useless. 

To appease a famished beggars hunger; all that was required was the minuscule little cluster of appetizing cherries,

The entire tree with its innumerable branches; the tons of green foliage protruding out in surplus abundance from towering heights; proved to be absolutely useless. 

To construct an impoverished man's