1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Wasn’t it incredibly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to tawdrily abuse; ghastily desecrate the fabric of impeccability to the most unprecedented limits ?

Wasn’t it astoundingly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to filthily spit; ignominiously taint the spotless cradle of earth; with insouciantly foul saliva ?

Wasn’t it unbelievably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to abhorrently curse; cadaverously meting out your personal frustration upon another of the Lord’s superior living being ?

Wasn’t it inexplicably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to lugubriously yawn; permeate a civilization of slandering laziness into every conceivable bit of the atmosphere; thereby ?

Wasn’t it unsurpassably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to fervently lick dirt; in order to mollify the insurmountable whirlpool of perverted fantasy that rampantly circulated in your brain ?

Wasn’t it limitlessly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to blurt incoherently fetid balderdash; crippling every form of beauty and ecstatic life with your insanely meaningless talk ?

Wasn’t it unceasingly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to uncouthly gobble the most innocuous of living organisms; augmenting to the ultimate crescendo of sadistic pleasure as you knifed through innocent flesh and bone ?

Wasn’t it inexhaustibly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to deliriously gape at even the most infinitesimal trace of naked skin; at innocent boys and girls; half your age ?

Wasn’t it unfathomably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to indiscriminately scream your lungs out; not perturbed the tiniest by the uncontrollably bleeding eardrums of the newborn infant sleeping right in your arms ?

Wasn’t it uncannily strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to proclaim irrefutably ultimate death to a truthful living being; bound by several political constraints when you were the judge ?

Wasn’t it interminably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to mercilessly ridicule all those bereaved old men and women; blowing them like frigid matchsticks with your profusely alcoholic breath ?

Wasn’t it incomprehensibly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to disgustingly challenge every form of spell binding righteousness; spin unstoppable webs of maliciously manipulative drudgery ?

Wasn’t it indefatigably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to command the haplessly infirm to deplorably slave for you; forever remain crushed under your unabashedly bohemian foot; whilst you sky-rocketed to the epitome of Everest ?

Wasn’t it stupendously strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to doggedly rebuke your very own invincibly venerated parents; squandering every bit of their hard earned riches; on your idiosyncratic desires; vixen and bawdy wine ?

Wasn’t it tirelessly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to wretchedly exploit the honest with your glib tongue; and then spuriously proclaim that as the spirit of “Survival of the Fittest” ?

Wasn’t it intolerably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to inhale severely contaminated prejudice; whilst ominously roaming through the lanes of robotically lame commercialism ?

Wasn’t it unspeakably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to spell; announce and expatiate upon the meaning of worthless “Death”; wherein the true essence of existence lay profoundly perpetual in sensuous breath ?

Wasn’t it unlimitedly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to wholesomely crucify the Sun of optimism in every righteous eyeball; with your words of wantonly opprobrious negativity ?

Yes; that very same pristine orifice of pink; that very same beautiful mouth; which you didn’t perhaps; but definitely used an infinite times in a single lifetime; whilst awake as well as sleeping; to speak; idolize; worship; the name of your unassailably Omnipresent Creator.