1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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God simply didn’t need anything; as his Omnipotent aura towered gloriously over every quarter; of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe, You could yet make him happy; by uninhibitedly embracing his organisms in inexplicably traumatic pain; nourishing them in your compassionately philanthropic swirl.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his unconquerably bountiful majesty; unrelentingly ruled even the most infinitesimal of space on this; blissfully endowing planet, You could yet make him happy; by gregariously nourishing his underprivileged children with your own blood; never letting them feel that they were disastrously orphaned on this gigantic globe and all alone.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his overpoweringly unassailable scent; ingratiatingly perpetuated through even the most obsoletely remote corner of this; fathomless earth, You could yet make him happy; by being a benign harbinger of all humanity irrespective of caste; creed and spurious religion alike; altruistically harnessing his maimed destitute; with your very own breath.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his everlastingly Omniscient radiance; profoundly illuminated even the most remorsefully darkened arenas on the trajectory of this world, You could yet make him happy; by patriotically blazing ahead for your sacrosanct motherland; ubiquitously disseminating the mantra of perennial righteousness; to all those disdainfully withering in the web of; ghastly lies.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his marvelously Omnipresent radiance; timelessly enlightened every cranny of this  gigantically enchanting earth; whether it be gruesomely debilitating night or the brilliantly sweltering day, You could yet make him happy; by wholeheartedly diffusing the humble ideals of priceless existence; to all his tyrannized molecules; groping in despondently ungainly wilderness.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his invincibly supreme silhouette; irrefutably overshadowed the coagulated power on this Herculean Universe; like the sky handsomely overshadows the diminutive flies, You could yet make him happy; by indefatigably patronizing the religion of mankind to the most boundless parts of this spell binding Universe; and till the time you breathed your last breath.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his resplendently Omnipotent form; perpetually ensured that the chapter of holistic life; astoundingly proliferated on this earth for times immemorial, You could yet make him happy; by selflessly lending your shoulder to all those agonizingly blind; transport them to the aisles of unshakable safety; and thereby igniting a smile back; in their impoverished lives.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his fabulously impregnable contours blissfully marked the commencing of every new era; his ever bestowing palms were the very reason that countless living were still alive, You could yet make him happy; by eternally uniting with all his tumultuously bereaved tribes; celestially maneuvering them towards the corridors of unflinching success; wrapped forever in the waves of incomprehensible solidarity.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his immortally undefeated persona relentlessly ensured; that unsurpassable new replaced every inevitably dying and dithering life, You could yet make him happy; by compassionately liberating the chords of your gorgeously throbbing heart; to shower upon all his miserably unfortunate children; the torrentially unending cloudshowers of love; love and only unbiased love.