1 God – Poems on God , Creator – Volume 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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1. A BIG NO 

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to sight the wonderfully resplendent island of milky moon ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to romantically philander and enthrallingly admire; the stupendously magical contours of the Sun soaked hills ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to relish the tantalizingly ravishing waves; of the exuberantly tangy and undulating sea ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to profusely feast on the unfathomably grandiloquent festoon of golden dewdrops; majestically caressing the voluptuous strands of morning grass ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to wholeheartedly enjoy under the tantalizingly seductive and torrential cloudshowers of; exotically marvelous rain ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to witness unsurpassable flocks of blissful sheep; royally sprint in the ebulliently timeless meadows ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to ecstatically surge and bountifully blend; with the charismatically ravishing winds that confronted you in your way ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to repay back your divinely mother; for the pricelessly aristocratic energy that she perpetually embedded; in each of your impoverished veins ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to substitute the death of your royally blessed beloved ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to award the patriotically valiant soldier; a compensation equivalent to his immortally slained life ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to purchase back the smiles of all those children; orphaned in sordidly stinking dustbins; right from the very first cry of their birth ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to bask in the glory of the stupendously reinvigorating rainbow; let its magnanimous boisterousness take complete control over your frazzled senses ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to incredulously relish your profoundly impeccable rudiments; the trail of inscrutable enigma that you celestially reminisced; on your expedition of tracing your very first ancestor ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to sleazily confiscate truth in your impoverished palms; buy it in unsurpassable quantities every day; although with gruesome blackness camouflaging your soul and heart ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to witness your child uninhibitedly smile; inundate every miserably incarcerated cranny of your chained existence; with unendingly jubilation and melodious happiness ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to transcend past the corridors of divine meditation; wholesomely coalesce your spirit with all mankind; one and synergistically alike ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to unequivocally enlighten the candle of blissfully compassionate hope; in every dwelling besieged with traumatically tyrannized agony ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to perennially inhale euphorically resplendent air into your puristically humanitarian lungs; quintessentially enshroud your dwindling existence; with thunderbolts of vibrant life ?

And is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to invincibly dedicate each beat of your heart to the person you irrefutably adored; and I ask you once again; that is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to fall in IMMORTAL LOVE ?

For all of you who say YES to the above; I can only convey to you what the Almighty Lord has ordered me to do; that the questions above are unconquerably priceless; and the heavenly answer to all of them is indeed and forever will be; a BIG NO.